Jesse profile picture


Remind me, we'll send him a red cap and a speedo

About Me

It's cool to be nice and nice to be cool. I throw words to paper like spectacles of light. Friday was my youth. Saturday would be my thirties. Sunday, i will move to Florida because that's what you do when you grow old. Folk, sushi, wine, and blues. Comfortable in pleated suits, pooka beads or necklaces, but aren't fond of them. Good times, fine people, classic.. rock n' roll.....

My Interests

learning, listening, Dylan, hiking, Wes Anderson movies, words, new ideas, wrestling, old ideas, stoicism, wine, sushi, the great outdoors, boxing, fishin, guitar, learning, teaching, understanding,


Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, The Kinks, Violent Femmes, Led Zeppelin, RHCP, Paul Simon, Doobie Bros, Nick Drake, Nina Simone, Neil Young, Sublime, Rolling Stones, G Love, billy breathes album, Hendrix, Allman Bros....


Royal Tenenbaums, Big Lebowski, Life Aquatic, Rushmore, American Psycho,Outside Providence, snatch, fight club...lots more


Dharma bums, On the Road, For Whom the Bell Tolls, The Power of One, the Intelligent Investor