~* Ms. Jackson if ur nasty*~ profile picture

~* Ms. Jackson if ur nasty*~

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hey its ya gyrl Ria SaDe!!! i'm a real down to earth,classy chick. i'm allergic to bullshit so please dont play yaself. i love to chill wit my gyrls and i'm in love with a boy who calls me mom. thats right i have a son and he's all the man i need. im not lookin for a new baby dad so dont stress yaself. but if u a real nigga who is about makin money and havin a good time then feel free to hit me up.
What's your favorite....
Beverage (non-alc) ? Sunny Delight
Birthday: 01-29-86
Color ? black
Food ? everything
Item of clothing ? My pair of black uggs
Meal of the day ? every meal of the day
Feature on yourself ? my lips
Quality in a guy/girl ? I love a nigga with attitude
Song ? n e thing by Michael Jackson
Musical Artist/Band ? Michael Jackson
Sport ? SEX!!!
Movie ? Beloved
TV Show ? Family Guy
Radio Station ? 98.9
Type of Chocolate ? does it matter???
Eye Color ? brown
Do you/Have you ever....
Have any pets ? I have a crazy azz dog named D.O.G.
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
MacDonalds or Burger King: Friday's
Have any piercings ? yea(ears n Nose)
Have any tatoos ? two
Cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend yea.....sorry boo
Cappuccino or Coffee: bacardi
Do you Smoke: maybe....iz my mamma readin this!!!
Gone skinny dipping ? You b@..$* cant prove that!?!?
Been to Europe ? no
Been to an island ? pleasure island(adult store)
Had stitches ? no
Broken any bones ? he didnt mean it...(that was some good dick)
Been stabbed/shot ? nah she couldnt catch me
Slept until after 12:00 ? everyday
Stayed up all night ? every night
Do you think you are Attractive: im concieted, i got a reason
Hooked up with 2 people in one weekend ? not my style
Turned down a dare ? never
Which friend....
Is the funniest ? Shanae
Is the prettiest ? Tracey
Is the most handsom ? alvin
Is the loudest ? Chriscelly
Is the craziest ? Tiki
Is the most shy ? Ikia
Is the most loving ? Chris (Tracey's Brother)
Is the most understanding ? me
Is the most boring ? No comment
Is the richest ? Burgandy
Is the most athletic ? Bethsai
Is the most cocky ? Chriscelly
Ever been Drunk: All of them
Is the most wordly/cultured ? Ikia
Do you look up to the most ? Tracey
Do you tell everything to ? Tracey
Has the best clothes ? Burgandy
Has the best house ? Ikia
Would you ever....
Eat pizza with chocolate chips ? maybe
Kiss someone of the same sex ? yea...on the cheek
Cheat on someone you love ? no
Run away from home ? yea
Lie to your parents ? all the time
Lie to your boyfriend/girlfriend ? it depends
Lie to your best friend ? no cuz that bitch will alwayz find out
Give a homeless person money ? yea
Run from the police ? no
Bungee jump ? hell no
Sky dive ? no
Cross dress ? no
Be an exotic dancer ? no
Walk out of a restaurant without paying ? i only did it twice
Scuba dive ? yea
Go rock climbing ? no
Go spulunking (caving) ? no
What do you think of when you hear....
Eminem ? purple elephants
Bologna ? lunch
Hott ? me
Orange ? my nextel
Real world ? corny
Jack ? ass
Cucumber ? salad
Hip-Hop ? mad respect
Uniform ? blank
UniCORN ! ? blank
Rainbow ? chriscelly
Clown ? my ex boyfriend

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Michael Jackson, jay-z,
Myspace Layouts
and beyonce. I'd love to meet Brandy and of course my man Omarion!!!


My Blog

Everyone cant be in the front row...

EVERYONE CANT BE IN THE FRONT ROW! LIFE IS A THEATER- Invite your audience carefully. Not everyone is healthy enough to have front row seat in our lives. There are some people in your life that need...
Posted by on Mon, 28 May 2007 14:55:00 GMT