Z profile picture


'cause I'm ridiculous like that

About Me

"Hey, I'm Zac. I like snowboarding, skateboarding, and mixed drinks. Sometimes I go big and impress people. I work as a waiter, at a downtown restaurant. Um, I've never had a girl perform anal on me but I'm up for almost anything. Never really cared for Shrek 2, the first one was ok. Not going to lie to you guys because I'm an honest yet mystic kinda guy, you may have seen me face down in the gutter a few times. It's ok if I'm out in the street just let me rest. I'm in college, I'll be studying a lot, but that doesn't mean I don't have time for a phone call. I mean it's boring but its apart of my life."

My Interests

Snowboarding, Surfing, Film, Guitar, Beer, things that keep me occupied, and Snowboarding.


Bands with sweet names. Musical talent is not neccesary. If you are clever enough to come up with a sweet name your music HAS to be good. Im shallow like that...


SLC Punk made me cry. Lukas caught me.


Prison Break, The OC, Seinfeld, Entourage, Family Guy, 24, Journeyman, dot dot dot.


I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell


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