Computers, Reading, Gaming. Currently for online games it is DAoC and Warhammer 40K, with a bit of UT2004 on the side. Offline... chess, Phase 10. Mostly offline lately has been running around with friends and reading.
Metal, classical, electronic, top 40/radio stuff. Lately I've been on a Joss Stone kick and/or an Industrial stream I found.
romantic comedies, adventures, action. Master and Commander.. Real Genius, Thomas Crown Affair, Matrix, Hackers. Empire Records, Underworld, Pirates of the Caribbean, Peacemakers, Out of Sight, Titanic, many more ( I'm a minor DVD fiend ). Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy are fun.
West Wing, Tru Calling, Las Vegas,24. Lately I have been watching Babylon 5 season 1 on DVD. Now I am working on catching up on seasons of Stargate that I have missed ( most of them ).
military fiction, sci-fi, fantasy. Working on the Wheel of Time series right now.