I am interested in Human expression. My work is a combination of theatre and dance which I like to call Physcial theatre. I like abstraction of emotion and taking that into some kind of simple narrative. I am alson interested in traveling and meeting new people. I find that stepping outside the box always makes for finding more of YOU!
I would like to one day meet Ricardo Milito. . . . ..
These days I have really been listening to music without words. In an attempt to find music for all of my final projects of dance, I have been consumed in finding beats and melodies which please the mood I am in.
Im into anything with a good plot and believable acting.
I have to admit, as busy as I get, I seem to always make time for South Park and Scrubs. I am finding I love Scrubs more and more each time I see it.
I picked up two books, one my own form of bible: Grtechen Ward Warrens "Classical Ballet Technique," and Twyla Tharp's autobiography "When Push Comes to Shove."
My Father and Mother are probably the greatest people in the world. They have done so much for us, their children that I could never do for anyone in a thousand years. I love them with all of my heart and soul.