Hot men! Going to the beach, longboarding the streets on a warm summer day, snowboarding, anything active and fun. Meeting new people and traveling the world, Ireland here we come!
Anyone who knows how to party and have a good time!!! NO DRAMA
Snakes on a Plane (Bring It)
Add to My Profile | More Videos Wow this catagory could go on forever. Let's just say we like pretty much anything from Flogging Molly, to ACDC, journey, Jessica Simpson to 50 cent, nate dogg, and the Roots, Ben HArper, Rusted root. Of course you have to have a little Bob in there too. Then there are the classics like Styx" Whitney Housten, Janet, Mariah Carey and Don Henley back in the day. We like pretty much anything except most country and hard core sh**.
Super Troopers, Snakes oon a Plane, Beerfest, Sweetest Thing, Napolean Dynamite, Finding Nemo, Girl Interrupted, A night at the Roxbury, Old School and Anchor Man. We could go on forever...
Lost, Alias, Laguna beach, Real world and Desperate houswives anything on the travel channel and E!... sad i know but what ya gonna do?
The Davinci code and Angels and Demons,anything by Dan Brown. Old man and the sea, The Devil Wears Prada
The Biggest hero in our lives has got to be the Wingman, if it wasnt for the other one steppin up and taking the "uglier" friend once in a while, well ya know. When talking about people ya look up to, u know, someone who's changed the world through making their dreams a reality, is gotta be the Sumerians- the inventors of BEER. man, even 6000 years ago people liked to drink. Other influences in our lives r Bob, Morrison, Jeffery "The Dude" Lebowski, and Will Ferrel. "Ferris Bueller your my hero" (I don't think were sober)