My names sarah and im 16, im a christian, summer '07 has gotta be the bestest yet! at college! i live in the bury of shrews and i say i'm stressed far too often! Well I think thats all you need 2 know...I pretty much love the following:
♥friends who r always there
♥curly hair♥ hollyoaks♥ the new wine food court♥old CDs♥ problem pages in magasines♥ snow on my paper round♥ georges house♥Veiny arms♥doodling everywhere♥writing on hands♥ writing in general♥duvet days♥ my blankey♥ making up songs♥ sending notes♥ writing on mirrors♥yisterday♥ 'IN' jokes♥making bracelets♥ beach days♥ meeting new people♥my family- the tv show and the real thing!♥ Oh and i dont like hairy toes!