Me working the Door of Harlot, can I see your ID?My New Home HARLOT 46 Minna St. San Francisco.Callie (coat check girl) and I at HarlotInsomnia and the Ladies of HarlotInsomnia and cast and crew of HarlotMe and my sexi boyfriend... InsomniaThats me working the gateway to VIP heaven, and Maria my cocktail angel.Marissa & Pals and me @ HarlotDonovan and I @ HarlotOne of the Owners of Harlot Nabiel and JENNY! and ChrisMe and My boyz Working the Door of AirLoungeMe & Flapper Girls... (Speak Easy!)Me & my Girl Janice @ SlideThere's only room for one man in my life...Pub Crawl 2007Aren't we just the cutest couple ever!Me & DJ SpiderOn a Thursday night at RougeMy sweetheart and I on my 27th Birthday... This is why we-OTT...Me and my man @ NV on Sharon's BirthdayAmanda Head of Promotions for Rouge NightClub... and me of Course!MY BEST FRIEND ANYA FROM HIGH SCHOOL AND I ON MY 26TH...CAMILLE & ME ON THE WU TANG TOUR BUS... ~2006 ROCK THE BELLS~Me & Playboi @ SlideHard @ work at Ruby Skye... U betta Work... turn to the left!Me!The Naughty GoGo Dancers of Element and "Quelly" of NVSBC DJ's & Muah on "E-Saturday's" at NV6am after a long night... Justin, Me & ArtME AND JAMIE (Bartenderoni) AIRLOUNGEMe and my infamous self-made ugly little yellow Security Jacket... (rather that than the 3X's they have)ME & JESSICA WORKIN' THE VIP LOUNGE NV... ALRIGHT PEOPLE MOVE!ABDUL (OWNER OF AIRLOUNGE) AND JAIMEME & ALICIA WORKING THE BLUE AND GOLD FLEET FRAT PARTY...ANGEL MAGIK 5TH ANNIVERSARY BUJU BANTON SHOW, LA FAMILIA DE ANGEL MAGIK...ME AND HAPPYFACE AT 330 RICH... (CANT YOU TELL IM WORKIN BEYOTCH)ONSTAGE WITH THE WUTANG CLAN AT ROCK THE BELLS!!!!Sometimes we meet celebrities at work... Me & Mista Fab at NVA Bad pic of Middleweight Boxer Drew Miller.WORKIN... (Promo's)My Maternal Grandparents when they were both 16 years old before they met... Virginia Almonte Savella and Felix Sandi-SavellaCelebrity In you pulled this image of Jessica Alba, I dont know if I look like her though... It also said I look like Penelope Cruz, but I really dont think so either...My Zwinkie One of My IDOLS...Once upon a time I was a raver... glitter glowsticks and all.
GHANDI, JESUS, KUAN YIN, ALLAH, EINSTIEN, DA VINCI, NEWTON, CHE GUEVARA, KAHLO, KAMEHAMEHA, WINONA LA DUKE, BRIAN GREENE AND ANY ARTIST/MUSICIAN THAT HAS INFLUENCED ME... EVERYONE ON MY MUSIC LIST!MY IDOL... Tera Patrick I have been told there is a resemblence...But lately people have been telling me I look like these two women... so I decided to make a tribute to them...
MUSIC IS LIFE AND LIFE IS LIVING!!! IT MAKES BABIES, CURES HEART ACHE, TRANCENDS LANGUAGE BARRIERS AND GENUINELY MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND... Tom Novy, Mr. Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix, The WU Tang Clan, Sunz of Man, 2Pac, MOS DEF, Talib Kwali, The Roots, The Grouch, Buena Vista Social Club, The Doors, Grateful Dead, Jack Johnson, George Clinton and the P-Funk Allstars, Fiona Apple, Nelly Furtado, Pearl Jam, Murs, Keak tha Sneak, Heiroglyphics, Radiohead, Carlos Santana, Sublime, Slightly Stoopid, Elvis, Missy Eliot, Lady of Rage, Alicia Keys, Biggie, Nas, Esthero, Prince, the Beattles, Madonna, Coltrane, Etta James, James Brown, Nora Jones, Liz Phair, 311, Marvin Gaye, Smokey Robinson, Miles Davis, Billie Holiday, Counting Crowes, Malo, Third Eye Blind, Rage Against the Machine, both Jim & Van Morrison, SADE, Janet Jackson, Prince, Tina Marie, Hugh Masakela, DJ Dan, DJ D., Mystik Journey Men, Living Ledgends, Black Eyed Peas, Goapele, Tracy Chapman, Sapo...
Half Baked, Dumb and Dumber, Coming to America Donnie Darko, Snatch, Locked Stocked and Two Smoking Barrels, Pulp Fiction, Amor Desperros, Drugstore Cowboy, Gummo, Traffic, Scarface, LOTR Trilogy, StarWars, What Dreams May Come, Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Legend, Buena Vista Social Club, The DreamKeeper, The Odessy, The Clash of the Titans, Pretty in Pink, the princess bride.
I dont watch very much TV, because I work a lot but I do keep abreast of trends, here are the shows of interest... Jeopardy a timeless show which keeps me entertained... Simpsons, Family Guy, SouthPark, anything on The Science Channel, Modern Marvels, Trading Spaces, Cribs, Surgery on TLC, Bill Maher, Sex in the City, unwrapped, real sex, TaxiCab Confessions, Japanese TV, UFC, TV rots your brain... so mine must be rotten to the last cell...
The Elegant Universe- Superstring Theory (Unifiying theories for Quantum Physic's and Quantum Machanics) Gullivers Travels, Joy Luck Club, Color Purple, Lies my Teacher told me, Blacklisted News, Bridge to Terabithia, The meaning of life, Book of Dreams LOTR. The Chronicles of Narnia, DaVinci Code, Behold a Whitehorse, Triviata, World Trivia, Compendium of Useless Information... so on and so forth... I read in between livin' my life.
My Grandparents for giving me a wonderful childhood with a thousand peices of advice that continue to become useful. My kindergarten teacher Mrs. Miraglia because she believed in me. My parents who struggled to raise me up the right way... Maria Alphonsa-Savella Spencer and Daryl Frank Spencer. Art, try as I may to make him feel 15 again...