Friends, Parties, Haircuts, Beach, Lazing around in the sun, Drunken phone conversations, Feeling you've achieved something, Meeting new people and instantly getting on, "Bwaah", Daydreaming, Long phone conversations when you just can't quite stop laughing, France, Ice Cream Days, Holidays, That feeling when you're completely at ease with yourself, Big Cities, The Countryside, Camping, Shrimps, The smell of summer rain, Long Walks, Freshly Cut Grass, BBQs and Summer nights, Cloudless Skies, Rivers, Fields, Big Storms, Picnics, Songs you haven't listened to in aaaages, Having no pressures and knowing that all that matters is that moment.
Escapism. Works for me.
Imagine the Unimaginable. Believe the Unbelievable. Allow the Extraordinary to become the Ordinary.
And, let's be honest, the book is ALWAYS better than the film.