Brian {C.A.N.} profile picture

Brian {C.A.N.}

About Me

My about me was written by the one & only Melanie Sims."Brian asked me to come up with a new description to put in his about me, it took a while because all I could think of was I don’t know where to begin! Then I thought, the beginning is a good place to start. Don’t get me wrong, Brian and I are the best of friends, but you would never think that we met each other less than a year ago. He considers me [and I quote]: “BSimmons08 (1:01:32 AM): it's funny, because you're the best person to write this about me, and we've yet to meet face to face” Oh and did I mention that we’ve never met? Brian friend requested me on myspace. At first I was like “Great, another dude who wants to hit on me.” With Brian, that wasn’t the case. I was surprised how he approached the simple fact he was attracted to me by simply complimenting me. No attempted hookups, no trying to get some digits, a simple compliment and the option to reply or to ignore. Of course seeing how different he approached being my friend, I decided to reply and see if he would turn into a jerk in the future. That definitely didn’t happen. It was scary at first, especially the day we decided to exchange phone numbers and talk on the phone for the first time, that a guy from myspace was getting so close to me. But a friendship seemed and came so naturally with Brian. He’s not the average guy. He is amazing at setting the best first impressions on you and the best part about it is: whatever you discover about this boy is 100% real. There is nothing fake, there’s nothing bipolar, nothing “if-y”. It’s all him; its all real (yes, including the biceps and 6 pack. Ladies, try not to stare too hard). One thing I love about him is his genuine personality. Everything he says is straight from the heart, making him probably one of the most sensitive men in the nation! And that’s not an over exaggeration. Most guys would read this description and think “Oh my God, what a pansy. He won’t ever get play.” Uhhm, boys you might want to take some notes. Besides reeking with wit, charm and sensitivity, his sense of humor, morals, goals, and dreams are top of the line. A joke doesn’t have to be a sensual, perverted comment (though he may slip in a risqué gag into a conversation on a rare occasion). He can make you laugh at something that is sincerely funny and entertaining. He’s morally stable with standards that can be a challenge to maintain, but he’s filled with so much self control and confidence and that makes his character stand out. He’s very confident, but not in a cocky kind of way. Brian is the epitome of humble dudes. He thinks about others so much. He’s one of those guys who’ll go out of his way just to make sure you smile, have a chuckle, get a hug and so much more. Whenever I have a bad day, I can ALWAYS count on him to be there to cheer me up. And on the infrequent occasion he isn’t there he’ll come the next day ten-fold with comments, advice, gestures just to make sure my day goes better. He knows exactly what to say to make everything bad seem like nothing. Besides knowing the perfect thing to say and the best timing [something most guys lack], he is the ultimate listener. You have a secret that you can’t tell anyone else but you need to tell someone, my best advice is “Go to Brian.” Now I’m not saying give him every ounce of information that your brain holds, but I’m saying he is the best secret keeper and the ideal venting system. I can honestly tell you that I’ve told him about 95% of my problems. He’s excellent at giving advice but He’s human- so sometimes there might be something that he can’t talk you through, but he always finds a way to make it up to you. When it comes to goals, he’s in love with FSU and wants to go to college there and play football. Football is the most major part of his life, but he never forgets about his education. Brian wants to be a psychologist. Pretty impressive, eh? I mentioned before that he has a superb vocabulary. When you talk to him, sometimes you forget that he’s black. Laugh all you want, but its true. Past all the stereotypes- you know most black people when they talk online will abbreviate, respell, reword and basically butcher the English language. lol. Not Brian. Its not like he’ll spell everything out word for word but you can definitely get the impression that he value’s his education and takes advantage of his honor’s academics. Yes, you heard me right. He’s an honors student ;). Well now that I’ve written an equivalent of the Encyclopedia Britannica about Brian’s personality, let’s move onto something else…his body! There are quite a few pictures posted on his myspace where you can get the main jist of how he looks, but all 5 foot 6 inches of him is toned and colored like dark chocolate. hahahaha. He always disses on his height because his two best friends both tower over him, both being over 6 feet, but at the same time, he doesn’t push the growth issue too much. My all time favorite trait is his smile. He sporadically will take my advice and smile when he has a “myspace picture taking frenzy” at school with his best friends Kirk, Stephan, Austin, Vinata, Erika, and Melissa. I don’t think he flaunts those pearly whites enough but then again I’m the friend behind the keyboard/computer screen so how much would I know?…oh wait, obviously a lot! haha. But I think you got the main idea of how amazing Brian really is. You want someone to talk to, Brian’s your guy. You want someone to make you laugh, Brian’s the winner. You want a boyfriend with traits that fully qualify him to be future husband materal? BACK OFF LADIES, HE’S MINE! I’m just playing. No, Brian and I are just friends and I’m soooooooo serious when I say Brian may be 100% human but he’s heaven sent in my eyes and truly one-of-a-kind. Talk to him, he won’t bite"

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Melanie Sims, Lil' Wayne, Michael Jordan, Outkast, Derrick Brooks

My Blog

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