andrea nicole. profile picture

andrea nicole.


About Me


call me andrea.
i'm 17 years old and i feel like i have finally discovered who i am. i know why i'm here, and i know what i'm aiming for in life. music is my other half, i would never be able to live without it. i express my thoughts and emotions through art & music, mostly because it's the only way i ever knew how to. i'm constantly searching for some type of change, following a routine isn't for me. i'm an optimist, a thinker and a dreamer. i think about things many people wouldn't give a shit about. i'll admit, i've dramatically changed throughout the past few months, but i believe it's for good. i've become comfortable with myself and everyone around me.
i'm happy :)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet three dimensional people: musicians, artists, activists or realists. also, i'd like to meet someone who can stand up for his/her beliefs or opinions and make some sort of difference in the world.


changes all the time;
led zeppelin
bob marley
a perfect circle
yeah yeah yeahs
lamb of god
cat power
jimi hendrix
the kinks


across the universe♥
charlie bartlett
requiem for a dream

My Blog

I updated this survey.

Appearance[ ] I am shorter than 5'4.[x] I think I'm ugly sometimes.[x] I have many scars.[ ] I tan easily.[x] I wish my hair was a different color.[ ] I have friends who have never seen my natural ha...
Posted by andrea nicole. on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 11:31:00 PST