Football = Man Utd F.C. Cars = Mitsubishi Evo 6/8
Eclectic and wide range; anything from hair bands of late 80's and 90's (metallica, GNR) to rock kapak, hip -hop to blues. Just about anything really. Fav bands = The Strokes, Muse, Greenday, Blink, Eric Clapton(living legend)
Any good war/espionage/mafia movie = Saving Private Ryan, Behind Enemy lines, Hunt for Red October, Sum of all Fears. Godfather trilogy, Goodfellas
Top Gear, Match of the Day, SouthPark, Smallville ( Lana Lang is so hotttt!!)
The Godfather, Hunt for Red october, LOTR
Eric Clapton, Eric Cantona, Eric Cartman, Erikkson??