Pizza freak. Nuff said. Well, lets elabolate a little. So much potential just waiting to be unleashed! Behold the wrath of Toppers!!! Just so we're clear on this- someday, Toppers will take over the world. Don't be scared. We're nice, warm fuzzy people... I swear!
Paul Douglas, Don Shelby, Amelia Santaniello, Frank Vascellero. And if you know who those people are, you're pretty swell too! Also would like to meet the Chippendales dancers. And the guy that figured out how to make flat potato chips wavy. And anyone who can figure out how to make my dog stop snoring when he sleeps.
Prison Break, Simpsons, Family Guy, Scrubs, South Park, Numbers, Idol, Food Network, Mind of Mencia, and of course- the WCCO news. They're the best!
You are 95% Wisconsinite
Our father, who art at Lambeau, Lombardi be thy name. Thy games be won, thy trophy comes to Heaven, as it is really Green Bay. (you repeated this prayer every Sunday during the season)
How Wisconsonite are you?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz
Ah... books. I have rediscovered what those are! If its John Grisham, I'll read it for sure. I like books about business & management. Pathetic, I know, that I actually read these voluntarily. The top picks are "First, Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently" and "How To Win Friends And Influence People". If you don't have these books, I will lend them to you! I also dig Greg Behrendt's stuff, Lee Iacocca "Where Have All The Leaders Gone" and I'm waiting on a couple books I just got on Ebay, yay!
And I was going to put the Spice Girls graphic in this spot, but lets just face it- there's a line. Don't cross it. You don't wanna be the guy who crosses the line. Don't be that guy. Nobody likes that guy.