*rockstar in training* profile picture

*rockstar in training*

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm me. I'm a very complex person. Most people who are mere acquaintances probably think I'm stark-raving bonkers, but those who know me better know thats just my sense of humor. I'm usually the one to say that one thing that everyone's thinking, but are afraid to say out loud. I like to discuss my feelings about anything with anyone who will stand still long enough to listen! I like what Diet Coke says on their Holiday cans- "Give, Live, Love". Those are the only 3 things you really need in the world. I like to work. Then I go out. Then I sleep. And we can't forget poker. Gosh I love poker. I'm not saying I'm good- I'm just stating that poker is wonderful. My life is fantastic. And I've got a doggie. Check him out- friend number 3 down there. If you want to know anything, hit me up. Contrary to popular belief that I'm a bitch, I really do like people.
adopt your own virtual pet!
About Me
Time Started: 11:23 PM
Full Name: Melissa Marie B****
Birthday: October 7th, 1982
Where were you born: Eau Claire, WI
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Height: 5'3"
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue some days
Shoe size: Somewhere between 7 & 8
Ring Size: usually 7 and a half, then you don't get that pudgy-finger look
Skin Type: Workin on my tan
Grade: Grade in what? I would be in something like 17th grade right now
Siblings: None... would you really want more than one of me!?
Piercings: Tongue, belly button, & a whole bunch in my ears
Hobbies: Working, going out, friends, all the good stuff
Color: Pink... got a problem with that?
Food: The opposite of pizza
Salad Dressing: Ranchizzle
Fruit: Apples or bananas I guess. Or strawberry-banana anything.
Cake: DQ ice cream cake for sure!
Book: Any by John Grisham
Movie: Legally Blonde & Bring it On... so I'm a ditz... sue me
Cd: WAY too many to list! I love about a million different songs off a million different cds!
Song: This usually varies day to day.
Day of the week: SUNDAYS!! And Mondays, and especially Tuesdays! At least for the time being =)
Month: The warm kind
Season: The warm kind
Time of Day: Bedtime!! =)
Holiday: The warm kind. I.E. 4th of July- Get drunk & blow shit up, does it get any better?
Shampoo: Doesn't matter- I'm pretty low-maintenance
Phrase: This varies day-to-day as well. I like to mix up the randomness that comes out of my mouth
Restaurant: Toppers Pizza naturally. Um, actually, lots of them. Olive Garden is good stuff, Mikes Smokehouse, Chipotle, Fazolis. I'm not too persnickety.
Weekend Activity: Work... then Sunday night debauchery of course!
Hangout Spot: Shenans, Pickle, the basement at Chad & Marshall's house!
Flower: Roses... what kind of silly girl wouldn't say roses? Bonus creativity points for white, yellow, or purple!
Sport to Watch: I went to a fight & a hockey game broke out. Nascar rules! And its football season again! YES!
Sport to Play: I tried volleyball, but all that ball-flying-around stuff just interrupted our team's drinking.
...Have You Ever...
Been on a train: Many times... I've driven a train with 350 passengers while then engineer went out to moon the folks at the crossing
Been on a plane: Yes...If you have never flown in to Vegas at night, do it. Hell don't even go to Vegas, just fly in to see the lights & then turn around & come back!
Cooked more then cookies: I set my kitchen on fire with a Pop-Tart. This is a truth production.
Broken the law: Yes silly I deliver pizza of course I break traffic laws daily
Drank: NEVER!! Who would do such a thing!?!?
Smoked: Refer to above answer =)
Kissed someone of the opposite sex: Ditto.
Played spin the bottle: WAY back in the day
Been rejected by a crush: All the time... I've always been the loser kid nobody likes
Cried in Public: Sure
Cried over a movie: "The Notebook". Its female law- you watch the movie you have to cry at the end
Bungee Jumped: Actually, I've been thinking about it, but I'm sure I'd chicken out right before I did it.
Faked sick to get out of school: Depends on how much of my grade that test was worth!
Made a prank call: I receive them all the time... ever read that "100 things to do when ordering pizza"? Yep I've heard them all times 10 plus 200 divided by 2.
Climbed a tree: Oh heck no I'd break myself
Camped in a tent: No thanks... I like plumbing and blankies
Passed out: I don't really do that.
Said I love you and meant it (not to a relative): Yes... If you mean it, why not say it?
What did you do yesterday?: Slept in, went shopping, got new shoes, some other stuff too
Memory you miss most: Old-School Toppers. You wouldn't understand, but it was good times
Did something you regretted: Why should you regret what doesn't kill you?
...The Last...
Song you heard: "Bubbly" by Colbie Caillat
Cd you bought: New Kenny Chesney cd came out last week!!
Time you cried: I don't do that.
Time you sang: About 5 seconds ago
Person who called: I don't like answering my phone.
Time you showered: A couple hours ago. Smelling funny is SO overrated.
Person to compliment you: Chad =)
Occupation: Toppers Franchisee. Or professional radio groupie.
Honeymoon: The warm kind
Kids: Its like the pet overpopulation thing... why make more when there's enough with no homes. Adopt a little Malaysian boy for cripes sakes!
What are you doing tomorrow: Working, working, working. Open to close tommorrow. =(
Who do you hope to marry: Wouldn't you like to be nosy
Who and when was your first crush: Heck if I know
any now: ;)
Who do you want to be with right now: Nosy-face.
If you could go on a date with anyone, who and why: Refer to above answer... Because- thats why. You don't need to know.
First thing you notice about opposite sex: Eyes, Smile, Hands
Biggest Turn on: Thats a secret only a select few know ;)
Biggest Turn off: Guys being rude... to waiters, bartenders, or anyone really
What do look for personality-wise: Kind to everyone, caring, sharp humor, motivated to succeed at life!
Who do you want to hug right now: I like hugs! Nobody ever wants a hug from me =( Who wants a huggie-poo!?
Who would you like to take to prom: Ever seen Wedding Crashers? Well I'm thinkin' "Prom Crashers"
...One or the Other
Gold or Silver: Silver. Or white gold. Ooh, or platnium. But gold gold is no good.
Flowers or Candy: Flowers... Why you wanna send me some? Hey, thats ok if you do!
Tv or Radio: I'm a profssional radio groupie.
Coffee or Tea: Campfire smores mocha from Caribou. I'm a coffee spaz. I must have it everyday or the world will cease to exist.
Summer or Spring: Summer
Love or Money: Love... Love conquers all, and once you get that part down, world domination is just one baby-step away!
Dog or Cat: MY doggie!!!
Letter or Email: Letter to my grandma... email or text to anyone else
Movie at home or In theater: Hmm... $8 at the theatre or $2 to rent? You make the call.
Personality or Looks: Personality... everyone's gonna look crappy in 50 years so you better like them for who they really are
What size is your bed: Smaller than I would like, but at least its not an air mattress!
Where and when do you want to be married: The rose garden in Duluth in the summer. And when is still open to interpretation
What is a good personality trait about yourself: I have a short fuse with the r-tards at work, but I'm very understading & easy going with everyone else, I have a soft spot for helping people. I don't like seeing my friends upset ever.
Best physical trait: ??
Do you think your attractive: I guess so.
Do you want to lose weight: I think I'm alright.
What would your reaction be to someone saying your hot: Depends on who that someone is
...Do you...
Play an instrument: Used to play a little piano... I can sing if that counts. I'm learning to play guitar!!
Write songs: Nope
Write poems: Nope
Believe in love at first sight: Maybe not right at first sight, but it can slam ya in the head relatively quickly
Believe in love: Of course...
Time Finished: 11:59... wow that was a waste of a half hour, awesome
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My Interests

Pizza freak. Nuff said. Well, lets elabolate a little. So much potential just waiting to be unleashed! Behold the wrath of Toppers!!! Just so we're clear on this- someday, Toppers will take over the world. Don't be scared. We're nice, warm fuzzy people... I swear!

I'd like to meet:

Paul Douglas, Don Shelby, Amelia Santaniello, Frank Vascellero. And if you know who those people are, you're pretty swell too! Also would like to meet the Chippendales dancers. And the guy that figured out how to make flat potato chips wavy. And anyone who can figure out how to make my dog stop snoring when he sleeps.



Prison Break, Simpsons, Family Guy, Scrubs, South Park, Numbers, Idol, Food Network, Mind of Mencia, and of course- the WCCO news. They're the best!
You are 95% Wisconsinite

Our father, who art at Lambeau, Lombardi be thy name. Thy games be won, thy trophy comes to Heaven, as it is really Green Bay. (you repeated this prayer every Sunday during the season)
How Wisconsonite are you?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

You Are 68% Evil
You are very evil. And you're too evil to care.
Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot. How Evil Are You?
Your Deadly Sins
Lust: 80%
Pride: 80%
Sloth: 60%
Envy: 40%
Greed: 40%
Wrath: 40%
Gluttony: 20%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 51%
You'll die of a yet to be discovered STD. How Sinful Are You?
You're A Crazy Drunk
When you drink, you get wrecked - and it ain't pretty. What Kind of Drunk Are You?
You Are 60% Weird
You're so weird, you think you're *totally* normal. Right?
But you wig out even the biggest of circus freaks! How Weird Are You?
Missy --
A dance involving little to no clothing
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com


Ah... books. I have rediscovered what those are! If its John Grisham, I'll read it for sure. I like books about business & management. Pathetic, I know, that I actually read these voluntarily. The top picks are "First, Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently" and "How To Win Friends And Influence People". If you don't have these books, I will lend them to you! I also dig Greg Behrendt's stuff, Lee Iacocca "Where Have All The Leaders Gone" and I'm waiting on a couple books I just got on Ebay, yay!


And I was going to put the Spice Girls graphic in this spot, but lets just face it- there's a line. Don't cross it. You don't wanna be the guy who crosses the line. Don't be that guy. Nobody likes that guy.

My Blog

Soundtrack to life...

Ok, after 20 minutes of bickering with my ITunes... here we go... out of 2065 songs... 1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)2. Put it on shuffle3. Press play4. For every quest...
Posted by *rockstar in training* on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 12:58:00 PST

Basics Of Life 101

So here's what I propose: A class in high school required to be taken by all students in order to graduate. This course will teach the basics of life- no, not how to manage your money, and get by in a...
Posted by *rockstar in training* on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 02:17:00 PST

Frozen pigs and humping birds.

Highlights of vacation... Laguna- 1. Humping birds. Nuff said 2. LA news- frozen pigs on the freeway. shopping carts falling out of the sky, nowhere in the bible does it take about vibrators 3. Hennes...
Posted by *rockstar in training* on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 10:05:00 PST

Lil trippy trip trip!!

In T-24 hours, 40 minutes Pam & I will be on a plane headin' to California!! Woo hoo! And then on Tuesday we're goin' from CA to NY... staying in downtown Manhattan. We be livin' it up...  ...
Posted by *rockstar in training* on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 08:26:00 PST

So THIS is what stupidity is all about!?

I really felt the need to share this one. A nice couple comes in to order food. They're wearing SCSU sweatshirts- obviously college students. With college educations. Must be smart, huh? Conversation ...
Posted by *rockstar in training* on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 02:25:00 PST

I found a funny!

Check it out... http://www.popularitydialer.com/index.php Funnies!!  ...
Posted by *rockstar in training* on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 11:35:00 PST

Dear Alcohol...

Dear Alcohol,First & foremost, let me tell you that I'm a huge fanof yours. As my friend, you always seem to be therewhen needed. The perfect post-work cocktail, a beer atthe game, and you're even...
Posted by *rockstar in training* on Tue, 23 May 2006 12:33:00 PST

Southern Dictionary

Hilarious! http://www.alphadictionary.com/articles/southernese.html Go to find out what a high-falutin cattywampus is. Plus so much more!...
Posted by *rockstar in training* on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 03:05:00 PST


Yesterday, my friends asked me to smoke some pot. And I did. Today they told me to try & outrun Tic Tic the lumberyard dog. Now I'm pretty sure I can't. I'm an idiot. ...
Posted by *rockstar in training* on Sun, 12 Mar 2006 10:03:00 PST

Woot woot!!

La la la work is boring today. Silly college punks need to be back in town & ordering pizza dammit! All I gotta do is make it thru today & then the next week is cake... who else is pumped!? T...
Posted by *rockstar in training* on Sun, 12 Mar 2006 10:02:00 PST