IYeSU KuRiSt0,vHe2xNa0Ki,Visi0n,iCEbLACk C0ffEE,SPa,JiGsAw & 3d pUZZLe,fASHi0n,pAiNTiNgs(bUt n0t gifted ahehe) mERMAiDs,iNtERNet,b00ks,sAUNabAth,LiPbALm(f0r LYF)fASHi0n!!!fASHi0n,p0eMs dAt bREAk mAh hEARt,fAShi0n,ind0's stUff,sweetf00ds,EMOH...& oh...did i say fASHi0n???
Oh death, where is thy sting? Oh, grave where is thy victory?
The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law.
The more i walketh the path of holiness, the more I realized I cannot do it myself. If I will not look to you, oh Christ, I cannot make any step forward, instead, i fall and fall, down the bottom of the stairs.
Oh, death always hunting me. I walketh on the grave while holding this life that was lighted by Christ. But this world is really a grave keeping me out from the doors of my spirit. The laws of living doesn't help me, but chains me to the grave.
But youre always here, oh Christ. Your hands are always there extending for me to reach. When I can't reach out and just cry, your healing wings shelters me, you let me still untill I gain strength to make a step again.
I keep in my heart not to cling on this world, for it's shutting me out from the doors of my spirit, in there we met, in there I'm healed, maketh me undisturbed by the hunts of death, even I walketh on the graves.
Oh the source of life, I'm giving all the glory. The one who breath me, the one who loves me. My first and original love. My Shining Armour, He already won the battle for me, death stumbled under my feet.
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Hillsong! OLdiEs,s0me of c0untRy music,etc...
PASSi0n 0f CHRiSt,SOMEwhERe IN TIme,iF 0nLy!!!SPLaSh,waaaaah tHe n0Teb00k!!!HOtaRU No HAkA,pearl harbor,DISNeyMOViez!!!LOTR(trilogy,X-mEN(trilogy),bUttERfLye FFEctsI&II,10commandments,Ghost,ransom's,Mammy I&II,a wALk t0 rEmEmBEr,V@nHelSInG,SANah MAJUliT MULi ,DREw BARRymore MOvieZ
pRis0n bREak !!! ,tHe 0.C , unbelievable , tengoku no kaidan hahaha!
BiBLe,KiDsb00k,y0Ur bESt LiFe n0w!!!EXPerieCIngGOD,gREAter fEAr,THePURposEDRivenLIFe,M.C&R.T SToriES
JC! Ptr.DARi0 , & tAtAy JuN