+*LOve At FiRst SigHT n Now He FinaLee Mine. GreaT thinGs to Come Baby+%+BesTesT cuhSn eva n Her Baby LaRissa..she gon b so Pretty wit her bad self Love yah god baby$*$BeaUtiFUL LIL CUHSN KARAMEL++she just crazy wit her lil ass haha^#^#Thee BRos Rey n ALEx n SHeLL wifey Linda$$$$BesT BuhDDie Since 3rd grade he waCkO LoVE bOi&$&$My BRA SheLLy Yes MY lil Sis is A STUD...shE b GeTTn em Tho..haha
I've Met The MosT wONderFULL PeOpLe EvEr iN my PasT. NOW i WaNt To MOVE on AnD GrOW up. I'm LooKiN FOr MaTuRE FolKs To HaNg WitH anD noT wOrry BoUT aNYthiNG. I aLso FouND A mAn ThaT toTaly Has ShowED mE hoW a ReaL maN poSe To Be SoOoOo... iF i dOnt Get Him... I wAnt SomeThinG cloSe To HIM. ~*~*~ YoU nEvER knOw How Your Life WiLL enD up. JusT go With The FLow. SOoOoOo iN lOVE wIth LOVE...