Director/Producer/Entertainment Attorney/Acting Coach/Manager. Rawther an odd mix. Tab addict and aging Galactic Cowboys fan, I live and work in Austin, Texas, and occasionally in Los Angeles. And one day, if I ever grow up, I'm going to move to New Zealand and pretend I'm a hobbit.
If you're here, you know I was the co-producer of the film "Bush's Brain," and am the producer/director of the Bushisms series of DVD's (based on the books)... I also had an alter-ego who did reality satire, but gave it up after reality and Reality collided in Omaha. Next projects? Well, "CarFun" may be shooting as soon as late January, and "The Boneyard" is back in turnaround... and of course, the holy grail project is "The Hundred," which you can check out here at The Hundred !
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !