hiptop3. sushi. my hynas. $$$. being incognito. marlboro smooths. b33r. "love.life". mac. hoodys. dome. ralph lauren hot. homies. downstate. xanax. tattoos. good hip hop. california.
people who are down.
but thats pretty hard to come by.
so i wont bother wasting my time.
lets just say i keep my friends to a minimum.
indie. hip hop. trance. industrial. metal. house. electro. techno.
my best friend, david. hes been there for me sense we were 8. i love him so much and i dont know what i would do without him. hes one of those people that you know your going to be best friends with until you are old and grey. i just know it. there has been so many good times with him. he always knows how to make me smile. i would die for him. i seriously love him more than anything in the entire world. no one will ever change that. we are moving to together soon and theres no one else i would choose to start my new life with. hes the perfect friend and pretty much the only one who understands me. i love him.