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I am here for Friends

About Me

rOckiN' iNsyd n' oUt!!! sLightLy snOb! DoNT KnOW WhY....CoZ I wAs Born dAt way..hehe!!!But doNt laSt at aLL...iTs juSt ofTen miStaken by Others..... im FrieNdLy!!! i juz go hangin out w/ my true cool frendz and pretty cuzins.. cOz iM a hOmeboDy gaL... iD raTher stayed At hOme duRing wEekeNdz dAn goIng oUt aNywer.. iLove To rEst aLL day At rUm.... i loVe muSic a Lot!!! I lOve tO sing..daT's mY pasSion..tHough iM noT daT gReat sIngeR...hehehe!!! dAts wHy i uSed to aTteNd aT ceNter 4 pOp!!YEAH!... tO oVercome My sHyneSS... hEheHE!!!!! dats All 4 me!!!i wAnt 2 rEst aNd reSt and ResT!!!!! kaHit di pAgOd!!!!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

i wan to meet a cool friendz whom i can be comfy all day with them... aNyonE wHOse nice.......