†Lt. Riza Hawkeye† profile picture

†Lt. Riza Hawkeye†

ill protect him with my life!

About Me

Hello.*salutes* Riza Hawkeye here...um...wut do u want to know? Well, I've been promoted from second, to first liuetenant, to Colonel Roy Mustang, who you may know as, The Flame Alchemist. I specialize in fire arms, due to heavy military training, and have made it my job to protect the colonel until he climbs to the top of the military ladder... For a few years now, we've been helping the Elric brothers, A young man named Edward and his younger brother Alphonse.Edward lost his left leg trying to bring his mother back using Alchemy, while his brother lost his whole body. Ed then gave up his right arm to bind Al's soul into a suit of armor. After all this, the colonel ended up visiting the unsuspecting brothers and telling them about State alchemist and tried to persuade Ed into coming back to Central City with him. At first Ed refused, but later, ended up becoming a national(state) Alchemist. Him and his brother are nowfollowing anylead the colonel has for them, to find the philosophers stone, which will restore their bodies back. oops...almost forgot... I have a dog named Black HayateThis profile was edited with MySpace Profile Editor MySpace Profile Editor

My Interests


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