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bear butte Matopaha 2
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Ulali All My Relations Native American
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hI am a 45yr old single dad,I have a 12 yr old son who i raised by myself,I love reggae music,mainly the Marley sound.I enjoy the outdoors,fishing,camping,cook outs and watching the sun rise and set.I live on a reservation in S.D,I am 1/4 native american a enrolled member of the Sisseton Dakota Tribe one of the six Nations of the eastern western Dakota.I was born in St.Paul minn.I have lived on and off the rez.I prefere the country to the city so i moved back home 15 yrs ago..I grow my own food and spend the summers on our land on a beautifull lake which is all tribally owned by my family or tio spi ya left to my dad from my granddad John Buffalo and his dad John Little Thunder.My whiteblood in me is from immigrants fleeing their own country due to religious persecution to find my greatgranddad forced to deny his own way of praying to the creator..I was a maintenance mechanic for the tribe here,fixing things in about 500 units the tribe owns.And I injured 2 discs in my lower back disableing me to a certain point,then i found out i have hep c1a, and i did not respnd to the treatment,I found out herb is the best medicine and eating and exerciseing right,I have earned like 14 credits in a community college,enviromental science,english comp and developemental math. .Now I am working for our Tribal Historic Preservation Office.I also sit on our Tribal EPA board,I love the outdoors and positive people!,I am here to help others understand our People and to understand others,I Love music it inspires,empowers keeps me alive!,So the bands i post on bullitons are words of another and their beautifull talant takes what i am feeling right out of my heart -I thank You!I have much respect for all Nations and as my ancestors before me i extend my hand in friendship!So love me or leave me-I ain't got no time for negative make way for the positive-Bob Marley.Peace sincerly E.J From: S.O.T.Y. SAVE OUR TRIBAL YOUTH
Date: Dec 13, 2007 7:14 PMwe have the code for you to cut and paste to your profile as a show of support for SOTY if you would like:
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Kat @ SOTY
Collective Soul - Listen
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Legend of Tillamook's Gold