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Freddy Rivera

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Welcome to my myspace. You can hear me on 99.1 KGGI these days (or nights). Here's a little about me...
From Rick Dees to KIIS FM, from HOT 92 to Playboy Radio, and now 99.1 KGGI, I would have to say every step of the way has been quite interesting; and it keeps getting more interesting. I'm hardly ever satisfied, always wanting more. That's my motivation. I love what I do. I constantly look toward the future. Present time is never appreciated. I feel I always have to be one step ahead of everyone at all times. I expect a lot out of myself. I don't appreciate enough. But I try. I do.
I'm an on-air personality at 99.1 KGGI. Schedule is always changing, but I'll do my best to keep you posted!

My Interests

Welcome to my interest section. I'm glad to see that you are interested in my interests.
Music. Film. Travel. Restaurants. Good Food. Great Wine. Driving. Work. The Female Gender. (scroll down for my favorite restaurants...)
Freddy's Favorite Restaurants:
* SONA Restaurant (french)
* RUTH CHRIS Steakhouse (steakhouse)
* YAMASHIRO (asain)
* GEISHA HOUSE (asain)
* NIRVANA (indian)
* DOLCE (contemp. italian)
* FLEMING'S (steakhouse)
* MI PIACE (contemp. italian)
SMITTY'S GRILL (american)
* CATAL (mediterranean)

Fill free to share your experience and a good restaurant: [email protected]

I'd like to meet:

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***1/2 out of ****
Tim Burton strikes again with another dark, gothic tale. But this time it’s a musical. A musical with superb acting from not only Depp (who really does sing) but from Helena Bonham Carter (girlfriend of Burton) who surprisingly gives an impressive performance. Both sink into their characters immediately. This film is NOT for everyone (especially for those 4 that walked out of the theatre after the first 15 minutes). Depp plays a murderous barber who seeks revenge for a high-power judge who took his wife away early on in his life. It’s surprising to see how he kills his victims. One by one. Song by song. But it’s humorous to see how they seem to live upon Mrs. Lovett’s meat pies. Those famous meat pies that inspired an entire song for themselves. This is a must see for those of you who can look past the ‘big budget blockbuster’ movies and flee to seek a film of quality that you have never seen before.*THE GODFATHER (Part I & II) *LA DOLCE VITA *AMADEUS *THE GRADUATE *GOODFELLAS *CASINO *2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY *EYES WIDE SHUT *PULP FICTION *A CLOCKWORK ORANGE *TAXI DRIVER *SUNSET BLVD. *AMERICAN BEAUTY *AMERICAN HISTORY X *THE APARTMENT *RATATOUILLE *GLADIATOR *A BEAUTIFUL MIND *ROCKY *UNFORGIVEN *AMELIE *SPARTACUS *ACROSS THE UNIVERSE *CLOSER *SIDEWAYS *MATCHPOINT *NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS *L'AVENTURRA *PATTON *8 1/2 *HEAT *FULL METAL JACKET *TOY STORY *GRAVE OF THE FIREFLIES *SCARFACE *THE DEPARTED *TERMINATOR 2 *GROUNDHOG DAY *ROSEMARY'S BABY *LOST IN TRANSLATION *SHREK *THE PIANIST *ALL ABOUT EVE *SCHINDLER'S LIST *LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE *BATMAN *EDWARD SCISSORHANDS *YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN *CASINO ROYALE *MICHAEL CLAYTON *SWEENEY TODD *MULLHOLLAND DR. *THE SHINING *VERTIGO *ALMOST FAMOUS *BABEL *ANCHORMAN *BIG FISH *COLLATERAL *REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE *SYRIANA *THANK YOU FOR SMOKING *Y TU MAMA TAMBIEN


Late Night w/ CONAN O'BRIEN! and CNN.


The Wizard Of Ads. It sounds stupid, but it's anything but. One of the most inspirational and motivational books I've ever stuck my nose in. I recommend this to just about anyone who has the desire to get ahead in life through communication.


RICK DEES! No joke. It was my first radio gig, and it was the best few months of my life. What a way to start off a career in radio! (

My Blog

AFI 40 Year Anniversary @ ArcLight in Hollywood

"Target presents AFI's 40th Anniversary was an event of unprecedented scale. Ten classic American films were screened on a single night--each with an introduction by the film's legendary star or filmm...
Posted by Freddy Rivera on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 12:09:00 PST

Freddy Rivera LIVE on 99.1 KGGI!!

Saturday night, Sunday night, Monday thru Friday 10am - 2pm this week! Listen to 99.1 KGGI for your chance to see Fergie live. And don't forget to listen to me, just for the fact that your life will d...
Posted by Freddy Rivera on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 02:28:00 PST