*Love Dream* [ReadY] profile picture

*Love Dream* [ReadY]

*If I wanted to make the world more peaceful, i'd do it with cookies* :)

About Me

[♥]Usually known for her love of ice cream and movies
[♥]Bumps 'Oh Happy Day' in her car
[♥]Hopeless Romantic
[♥]Couldn’t live without buddies, they’re my world
[♥]Pretty cool
[♥]Delta College
[♥]Generally pretty happy
[♥]Has 5 million different laughs
[♥]Favorite color is red
[♥]Loves hearts and butterflies
[♥]And has a special place for all the puppies and kitties in the world
*Other: I...
♥Thinks jealousy is a waste
♥Treats friendships like relationships
♥Can be determined
♥Always wanted a boy short haircut
♥Trust issues
♥Huge dork
♥Loves Italian food
♥Against animal cruelty
♥It tears me up inside whenever I hear an animal cry
♥Doesn't like to touch garbage rims
♥Sneeze all the time
♥I LOVE oldies
♥OCD about the dishwasher
♥I think pigeons are the most unsanitary, disgusting animal I have ever encountered in my entire life
♥Interesting driver
♥Holds writing utensils weird
♥Future mother issues
♥Boy Traits
♥Wants to fix up dad's 57 Chevy
♥Unexplained dreams
♥ITALY!, Honeymoon or otherwise
♥I'm supposed to be the "Good One" in my familiy
♥Mixed emotions about someone
♥Your my little secret
♥ I will always love you
♥I think you realize that you didn't deserve me
♥Certain people really annoy the shit out of me
♥I like to go to open houses just for fun
♥I flirt
♥And no BZ I'm not trying to steal your boyfriend
♥I got my own boys, I don't need yours
♥I can be very homebody, I do like my quiet
♥Other Than That I'm Just A Crazy Mexican Who Stutters♥
♥I try not to live in regret as much as possible cause I know that everything I have done makes me who I am today and I love that♥
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Sister Act 2: Back in Habbit

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My Interests

Nirvana Videos | Music Video Codes | Chicago MLSI hang out with these two losers named Jordan, but i love them, and a group of a bunch of other boys, all my girlfriends are out of town or busy. And my sisters got their own lives. So it's just me and the boys playing Halo/Gears of War, eating, or bowling on a Th. night. I go to the movies probably 2 or more times a month. A lot of people know me by my addiction to ice cream and movies. And i got a special place in my heart for all the puppies and kitties in the world. I'm trying hard this semester so I can transfer and major in what I would like to be animal sciences. I love my friends, Idk what I would do if I lost them. I can't stand being judged for the things that I've done in the past. Or feeling impuned, not cool people, not cool, you better accept V for the way she is, cause right now that's all your gonna get. :)"You talk of food? I have no taste for food-what I really crave is slaughter and blood and the choking groans of men!"
Myspace Layouts
♥PolAr BeaRs
♥GooD SolId FriEndShiPs
♥IcE CreAm
♥HanG WitH lA FamIliA
♥TalKINg oN ThE PhoNe
♥SpoRts: FooTBalL & SocCer♥
♥HeaRts! ♥ ButTerFliEs!♥I also like:I don't like lettuce or dead birds (weird i know but whatever)But I love this video! .. width="425" height="350" ....
Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is... mysterious
Your hugs are... gentle
Your eyes... sparkle like the stars
Your touch is... heart warming
Your smell is... exotic
Your smile is... hypnotising
Your love is... everlasting

Quiz created with MemeGen !

Guys Like That You're Charming

You're the girl most guys can't get out of their heads
Even if they met you on a bad hair day :-)
You just seem to "click" with everyone you meet
So even if a guy forgets about you for a second... his friends haven't!

What Do Guys Like About You? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

I'd like to meet:

♥ Well I already met most of the people i guess i wanted to meet-except for ♥Chad Michael Murray & Channing Tatum♥ but i always like to meet new ones anyways so if you want to message me you can my im is foreversweety209

[♥]I like people who have a good sense of humor and can make me laugh, you could totally be my friend if you can make me laugh. 2 of my best friends are hella sarcastic funny and i love it. they rub off on me a lot so i tend to catch on. But not if it's hella corny cause then i'll just think your annoying :)[♥]
[♥]People with good values, who are goal driven and happy, People who aren't rude or stuck up, and cherish and appreciate the little things in life.[♥]
[♥]And people who know how to spell, lol, i'm weird about that, I like spelling haha. So if you can spell, you're cool haha.[♥]
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Punk Rock
Rock And everything else BZ's!!!I like a lot of 90 R&B groups, and rap and stuff, I'm pretty eclectic when it comes to music.
Music is a beautiful way of expressing ones personality and emotions, I like a lot of sad music, it doesn't necessarily mean I am sad though. Like I said I am a generally happy person. :) :) :) :)I Pretty Much Like All Music, Especially OLDIES. And A Lot of Other Things, Random Music, Classical, Some Classic Rock.


Myspace Layouts
I love movies, Cruel Intentions is my fav, yeah, shutup, idk why, i just like it ok, geez! I watch a lot of movies, comedy, horror,romance :), a lot


You are a Great Girlfriend

When it comes to your guy, you're very thoughtful But you also haven't stopped thinking of yourself You're the perfect blend of independent and caring You're a total catch - make sure your guy knows it too! Are You a Good Girlfriend? Take This Quiz :-) Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.


♥LOve thE GOSSIP GIRL serIES By Cecily Von Ziegesar

♥And i take pleasure in seeing authors make mistakes in their books-not everything is perfect :)
♥I also really like Jennifer Cruisie
♥The Illiad
Your Icons - love, angry, goofy, in-your-face, lyric, band, more by trublonderocker
Your Name:
Fave Color
Your Love Icon
Your Angry Icon
Your Broken Heart Icon
Your "In-Your-Face" icon
Your Lyric Icon
Your Band Icon
Your RaNdOm Icon

Quiz created with MemeGen ! Myspace Extended Network Banners


I have a lot of heroes:
♥My Family: Mom, Dad, Liz & Reina have molded me into who I am today, they have taught me great values to use throughout my life.
♥My Friends: Have always been there for me through thick and thin, and I love them all to death. No matter what we will be friends forever. They have taught me what "True Friendship" really means. And they are the ones who I will love for life. They're family now, no turning back. And I trust them with everything, they're not the kind of people you tell something to and they go and tell hella other people, NO, what is said in the group stays in the group.Layout made by angelrocker48

My Blog

All the while she's....

So I'm pretty tired, well idk, the other day I decided that my bedroom door was kinda plain, looking at it with the sad whiteness it has I decided I would spruce it up, and so all night last night loo...
Posted by *Love Dream* on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 11:10:00 PST


So I had a pretty eventful weekend this well...weekend haha. Started with Sam's birthday, so awesome!, got all done up ion dresses and didn't leave to stockton till like 9 haha, cheesecake factory the...
Posted by *Love Dream* on Tue, 22 May 2007 08:12:00 PST

The bonds we have

LOL LOL LOL LOL, i freakin love someone's new default pic, haha, scratched out! Anyways, yeah, someone asked me today, what makes me happy, and i told him that my friends are what makes me happy and ...
Posted by *Love Dream* on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 11:56:00 PST

4 essays,3 days, and a little thing called stress.

With a movie night on friday and a party on saturday, idk where the time this weekend is gonna end up. I pushed all my social events to next week. And just a note: Traffic today was filppen nuts, clos...
Posted by *Love Dream* on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 01:05:00 PST


So easter was pretty good, i got a new dress just for it and made a pie, my family literally MADE me do an egg hunt with my 12 year old niece, who happens to be almost as tall as me and looks like she...
Posted by *Love Dream* on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 12:48:00 PST

****I can't take credit it's from The Hours****

Soooooo, this is from a book i'm reading, it's not about anyone specific, i just thought it was a nice suicide note. Cause that's what it was about.   Quote: " Dearest, I feel certain that I am ...
Posted by *Love Dream* on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 02:51:00 PST

Still Here :)

So for the past couple weeks I... Used a chainsaw for the first time, lol, I felt like someone on Gears of War lol, plus it tickled my hands haha.Lifted HUGE pieces of concrete, and broke it all down....
Posted by *Love Dream* on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 04:42:00 PST

Because I love her.

And I don't want to let go, cause she is a part of me.Every day without her is another day I devote to lone.Everything is a fog, and without her love.Sometimes I feel like they don't care.That they do...
Posted by *Love Dream* on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 11:55:00 PST

Thought List.

I miss people already.50th year anniversary's are awesome and beautiful (went to one today in san jose, been going there a lot lately.)Oh man! Oh man! Oh man! Oh man! is my reaction.Ritchie Valens is ...
Posted by *Love Dream* on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 12:15:00 PST


oh my fucking gosh LMAO i am seriously laughing my head off right before i started typing this, lol, i love the king of queens haha it's soooooo awesome. Ok, so lately i feel like a new wave of faith ...
Posted by *Love Dream* on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 07:08:00 PST