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Jason Holmes

I am here for Friends

About Me

What is happiness, what defines reality and what shoots everything down? From the depths of every corner of my heart, I can supply you with my definition. Life is finding passion and passion is what you make it; for some it consists of riches and power, for others its peace and serenity but for me I believe the purpose of life is to find the one individual that can release a glow brighter and more powerful than the sun itself. From the second they step foot in your presence you feel your heart drop to your stomach and as they look you in the eyes you instantly get chills running through your body. From confessions to thoughts worth sharing, from tears of sadness to tears of pure happiness you receive every form of emotion when you have this person inside of your life. Because that person has entered the deepest chambers of your heart and has lit a fire in each one, knowing exactly where and when you need their love the most. Flashbacks and pictures engraved in your mind, you find yourself choking at the thought of them being gone and your breath runs short when you hear them say goodnight. The track of time is lost when they are next to you, the lights are off around you and the only thing you can hear is their voice. Love comes many times for some individuals but only one will resonate within your soul forever, no matter the circumstances there is always one specific love you will never let go of because the purpose of life is to grasp that one love and cherish it for as long as you live. Finding this is the largest obstacle of life but when you do...live, love, remember and cherish every serene moment you get to enjoy for the rest of your life. That glow is right in front of you...grasp it. - Jason Holmes Get this FREE MySpace layout and more at MySpaceOrYours.net
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My Interests

The sound of an acoustic guitar, the rush of being in a basketball game, giving someone the perfect haircut, sweeping a girl off her feet with something as simple as words, sharing with others, being optimistic, helping someone become successful in anything they want to achieve, love, living life the way I want to and always having an uplifting attitude and feel towards every situation

I'd like to meet:

Kobe Bryant the greatest basketball player that has walked this earth, Bryce Avery of The Rocket Summer, Vidal Sassoon, and God (But that one is worth waiting for)


The Rocket Summer, Nevertheless, Secondhand Serenade, Mayday Parade and Making April are my Top 5 favorite bands of all time... I love thousands more bands too... I am in love with music


Blow, Dumb and Dumber and The Notebook have to be my 3 overall favorite movies. There are MANY other amazing movies though


UFC, Southpark, College Basketball, College Football, NBA Basketball, NFL Football, ESPN


Angels and Demons


God is my ultimate hero then comes my family then comes my best friends

My Blog

Sun Setting Scene

Every now and then I think sometimes people think about the perfect situation and tend to dream up fictional settings to accompany the perfect feeling. I'm just doing that in a rhyming poetic way. You...
Posted by Jason Holmes on Mon, 19 May 2008 12:44:00 PST

Welcome To My Thoughts

Here is a little something I just decided to write... some of you may be able to relate... some of you wont. But I feel its nice to share what I write when I think sometimes. When you read this you wi...
Posted by Jason Holmes on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 09:35:00 PST