The sound of an acoustic guitar, the rush of being in a basketball game, giving someone the perfect haircut, sweeping a girl off her feet with something as simple as words, sharing with others, being optimistic, helping someone become successful in anything they want to achieve, love, living life the way I want to and always having an uplifting attitude and feel towards every situation
Kobe Bryant the greatest basketball player that has walked this earth, Bryce Avery of The Rocket Summer, Vidal Sassoon, and God (But that one is worth waiting for)
The Rocket Summer, Nevertheless, Secondhand Serenade, Mayday Parade and Making April are my Top 5 favorite bands of all time... I love thousands more bands too... I am in love with music
Blow, Dumb and Dumber and The Notebook have to be my 3 overall favorite movies. There are MANY other amazing movies though
UFC, Southpark, College Basketball, College Football, NBA Basketball, NFL Football, ESPN
Angels and Demons
God is my ultimate hero then comes my family then comes my best friends