Paulie profile picture


Just when you thought you were the center of Attention... I SHOWED UP!!

About Me

Myspace LayoutsI’mmmm Back. I was a little out of the game for the past few months with work, my head not exactly thinking straight and thinking of the past; but don’t we all go through that every now and then. Now that I’m back; I’m going back to the mountain top. I’ve been there an enjoyed the view but gave it up. I’m not saying that I’m taking it away from anybody, because if you truly are up there you know there is plenty of room for the ONES that belong up there. So here I come just make sure there’s a Jack and Coke waiting for me when I get there. (Again) To those who have partied with me in the past. All I have to say is you haven’t seen anything yet and we will top what we have done before. For the newbie’s in my life; buckle up it’s a wild ride. I'll try and take it easy on you until you get you feet wet; but eventually you're going to have to keep up. Some might think I have a big head. Don't confuse having a big head with someone that is proud of what they have accomplished. I know where I came from, what it took to get here, what it takes to get more and I'm never willing to look back. If you don’t like what I have to say get off myspace it’s not your space.
adopt your own virtual pet!Don't Forget to feed the dog. If your lucky you can meet her in person.

My Interests

Big Pauly
People Iced: Twenty
Car Bombs Planted: Eleven
Favorite Weapon Curdled Milk
Arms Broken: Sixteen
Eyes Gouged: Eight
Tongues Cut Off: Two
Biggest Enemy: Big Johnny Johnston
Get Your HITMAN Name


I'd like to meet:

No matter how good a girl looks someone is sick of doing her. Go after her!p align="center"
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Myspace Codes - Online Dating Site

Myspace Codes - Online Dating Site

Myspace Codes - Online Dating Site


Anything Sports... But always a Patriots game


Rich Dad Poor Dad is the new book and so far pretty good


Has to be my Dad. He's going through a lot right now and can still be a Dad