me: OMG!!! valerie =/
valerie: Yes dear?
me: Cody Hawkins
valerie: What about him?
me: He's blad =(
then i sent her a pic....
valerie: Hahaha looks like he has cancer
valerie: oh no wait that was mean....
me:Bahahaha that was not nice at all, but it for sure made my
anyways then there was more talk about him, but it did make my night for sure. ahahaha. love you valerie.
and then there was another time... when we went bowling....
valerie: he kinda looks good in purple
me thinking she was talking about someone else prior to the convo, but then realizing who she was talking about.
me:oh, ehhh i think he looks better
then we attempted to high five each other and well missed.
that was a good night.
dear karen,
darleen li.
keep hanging on babe, you'll make it through. you're too strong to just give up now. i love you.