Petite giRl::::haPPy Go lUCky:::sWeet koT:::: [email protected]~~
Petite giRl::::haPPy Go lUCky:::sWeet koT:::: [email protected]~~
sLeePing till myEYES turn 2"sepet"..huhu.. LauGhiNg wIf MY fRenz..hahaha.. OUtDooR ACtivity yg ADveNture..
EMINEM..N also u..huhu..
eMiNeM, dr Re, BLinK 182, HooBasTAnk, uShER, SimPle PlaN, sUm41, GreEn dAy, GooD chArlottE, MY chemical RomANce, MuSe, all aMericAN rEjecT, marOOn 5, yELLow CaRd, wEEzeR, MusE, PiNk, caSSidy.50cEnt, AgneS MonIca, sAmsons, rUffEdgE, VE, o@G, GerHaNA sKa cinTa, ACAB.......Sumer yG Best la..also nasyid songs..except hiNdUstaNi....heheh...
saVe the Last daNce, 8miLe, hoNey, mEans giRl, da giRL neXt dooR, 1 missed call, priNce n Me, yOu goT Served, .EIffeL i'm in lOve, kiSS, MyLittlE BriDe, wHitE chICks, sh3...WonDerful LiFe..byk lg ar..except BOLLY...huhuhu...
ALIAS, the OC, RoSwell, one tRee hiLL, Desperates HouseWife, aMeRican Next tOp mODel, CSI, pUnk'd#!, LAS VegAs, gRey's AnaTomy::::::ape2 yg kt channel 5 s'pore..huhu~~~~ skang da xtgk tv sgt..
Financial management::: persOnaL fINANCe:::: mULtinAsioNAL buSiness fiNancE:::: FinANCial DeriVAtives:::: StraTegic ManAgeMent:::: Risk MaNAgeMEnt:::: fINAncIal MoDEling:::
Nabi Muhammad S.A.W