+worship.writing it. playing it. doing it.
+watching people younger than me have tremendous faith, it blows my mind
+thai food!
+diet coke
+Humanity:that which binds/seperates us
+my snake
+Josh Groban
+building relationships
Someone who will challenge me.
and other people. i like people.
i dont feel like putting all the "cool" stuff that everyone listens to so they can comment and tell me we have the same music taste. however, it is my educated opinion that Disney movies have produced some of the greatest music known to man. oh and backstreet boys.
benny & joon, the boondock saints, 300, slackers, harry potter, poolhall junkies, gladiator, edward scissor hands, pulp fiction, i ♥ huckabees, moulin rouge, pride and predjudice, office space, zoolander, mean girls, snakes on a plane!...and ya know..other stuff.
law & order, the office, man vs. wild, flight of the conchords. i dont get to watch em all...but i like em.
I love books...but if I could recommend only one..it would be this:
What's so amazing about grace?
By: Phillip Yancey
Darkness will obey your voice
Weakness will in you rejoice
You have bound the broken heart
Praise the Son of God.
Hearts that inspire me:
Darlene Zschech.
Ravi Zacharias.