I'd like to meet:
♥ Photography - i love taking photos. if i have a camera in my hand..odds are ill be running around and taking arty farty photos from random angles etc. cos im like that =).
- i try and be different. i dont like the boring typical photos that people take of people smiling.. or a photo of like somin thats dead centre.. i try and be more inventive about things. like maybe make something more dominant in the photo. but the thing im actually photographing still in focus. or just somin abstract so its such a wierd angle that you dno what the hel it is. i like to confuse people like that =) make em think cos people dont do that enough any more tbh.
♥ architecture - i wna do this at uni. i dno what it is about it.. but its really fun and interesting. i like the way that i can decide how people live..from basically designing a house, or where the work.. all the way to helping think up a whole new town or even city. its like playing god.
- and i like art too and i think im rather creative, im always doing odd things on photoshop etc. and also methinks im quite good at maths and physics. so not only do i enjoy architecture but its also the logical carreer path to take
- i did a placement at the best architecture company in the world last summer (Y) (fosters) and they liked me so much they put me in to do another this summer =) so im looking forward to that again cos every1 was really nice and helpful
♥ guitar - chances are.first time i talk to you, i will talk abotu guitar. i really liek playing it. i feel like no matter mood im in.. it reflects in my playing. like if im upset i can sit there for hours on end just strumming away a random chord pattern and itl make me feel better. and warm inside.
then theres the songs that make me feel like im having a blast play them. theyr very rare to find. but theres the occasional song. like playing the blackout. i love it. its just the rhythm of it thats just really good and fun to play. i wna learn alll theeir songs cos theyr that good =)
- i do na be a band tho. im not atm but hopefully i will soon. oh and on that note.. i want to start getting into live band photography too. but thats gna wait until i get my slr for my bday (Y) (hopefully) haha
anyway on to the rest....
♣i used to do karate, but i quit, becos frankly it got boring.
♣i did get to black belt though, which is good =)
♣i play guitar...
♣i've got to grade 3, officially.
♣but i like to think im a lil better than that.
♣i want to play in a really decent band. cos itd be fun. =)
♣i can be seriously blonde at times.
♣i like to laugh at myself all of the time.
♣normally im a very happy person and i smile a lot.
♣but i can get a lil moody sometimes like everyone else.
Layouts made by yours truly....
check em! =) you'll like if you like original looking div overlay layouts. pretty easy to use i think.
Madina Lake
Emo Angel
Topman Nu Rave
South Park
Colourful Vector
UnPrEdIcTaBlE (current)
do not play games with me. i hate it and i do not want to waste my time on anyone that isnt worth it. just spit it out if you dont like me. dont go around pretending everything is fine, or ignoring me. its stupid and tbh, really cowardly.
right, well i did do some massive like 5000 word long rant about my beliefs and what i do and stuff, but then, me being my idiotic self.. i lost it all.
so now i have to start again =)
so yeah if you cant be bothered to read any of it. dont.
anyway...here we go! =)
right my name's seb and im 16..but all the random basic facts are somewhere else..
get off your lazy ass and look if you want to know =)
right, my age....
im 16, and im gonna act it okay?
i wanna act like my age.
NO, that doesnt mean im going to rebel against everybody just because im being hormonal and want everything to go my way.
im not gonna try and be older than i am. cos, it makes people look like idiots to be honest.
they're being fake.
and 99 times out of a 100 its obvious too.
i hate fake people.
NO, that doesnt mean that im gna be really mean to people who did nothing wrong just because i feel insecure about myself.
it does mean however that i want to go out and have fun.
live life to the fullest!
i dont want to waste time dwindelling over the past and what could have been.
i want to make the most of what i have.
life is too short to whine about stupid stuff, when a lot of people are in a hell of a lot worse shit than you are.
a few things that make me tick are...
tbh, i think its the best thing thats ever happened to the world.
its such a powerful thing, and it can change lives.
whether it be...
the lyrics in a song that help people realise that whatever crap they are going through. other people have gone through it and worse.
or, it helps bring people together to try and a make difference to other peoples lives.
like live aid.
all it took was one guy to realise how bad things in africa really were, and still are, and went, "hey, what i do can make a difference".
so he got a load of really big artists to chip in.
and together they brought together people all over the globe to help make a difference to the horrible lives of people in poverty.
and because of that small thing, because of those few amounts of people playing a bit of music.
SAVED people's LIVES...
if that doesnt say how amazing music is then i dont know what will.
people that are there for me.
they mean the world to me.
no i dnt really have friends close enough to me to think. "yeah they are gna be there for the rest of my life through thick and thin."
but i dont really mind anymore.
all i need is people that like me now.
because i dont really want to get all worried about the future and if people are gna ditch me along the way.
i think there are now four people worth mentioning at the moment..
i only really see two of them a lot. and thats mainly cos they to school with me.
but they are the people that ive been closest to in my life. and still am
and hopefully soon enough this list will get longer.
♥cameron skinner.
♥sophie coop.
♥james crowther.
♥mike salter.
so yeah.. friends that leads me to somin else.
and this really winds me up.
talking on myspace does not make us friends.
fair enough if ive been speaking to you for a while and ive shared some pretty personal stuff, id consider you a friend.
but just because weve had the odd conversation doesnt mean we are friends.
friends are people that you see regularly.
friends are people you have a laugh with.
friends are people that comfort you in times of need.
they are NOT people that i talk to because theres nothing better to do.
so dont act like we are friends. because it annoys me.
there are also people i wish i had never made friends with.
or even met for that matter.
it seems to have happened to often that ive got close with people.
and theyve just screwed me over like a piece of dirt.
so, ive grown to be paranoid.
too paranoid.
its like i can never think that people actually like me.
and yeah most of the time its true.
i still get screwed over.
but i think its starting to hurt less.
but then, i still get too attached to people.
and like when reality hits me its too late and i feel like crap again.
then, for some wierd reason i seem to get my hopes up again.
and then screwed over.
and it just keeps happening.
so i have a lot of mood swings.
its so annoying lol
i wanna try add to this as much as possible.
whenever i think of sommin new i wanna rant about.
even though, unless i ask them too, nobody would read this.
im doing it cos im boooreedd.
you're sexy ;)