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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Im Faith...no real need for a last name
Well the first thing that you should know is that im a Slayer. Whats that I hear you ask...well...it kinda says it in the name...i slay things, deamons, vampires any form of unspeakable evil and ill pretty much kill it. I havent always done the right thing though...ive killed people, Im not proud of that. But, with the help of my friends i made it back and im good again so.
Its been a hard few years. I came to sunnydale in '98 where i met Buffy and the rest of the scoobies, then things turned ugly...an old enemy came back...they thing that killed my watcher and it almost got me if it hadnt been for Buffy....then i strayed from the beaten path so to speak and hooked up with the mayor of sunnydale...i know doesnt sound to evil but hey this guy held a lot of power! So i worked for him...gettin him info on the gang, then they caught me out....which when i think about it now was for my own good.
Well if you guys are expecting a happy ending with this think again...i shot Angel...Buffys bo so to speak...and almost killed him, just my luck that the cue to help Angel was the blood of a Slayer, and we all know that Buffy wouldnt let him drink her when I was just lyin around. I put up a fight...and got put in a coma for a year....that sucked!
As you can imagine when i woke up i wanted a little pay back, so i found Buffy and did a little body switchin...that was very trippy, woah wont do that again in a hurry. Well as i was sayin Me and B switched bodies, i was suck in her 'shell' and she was in mine...i dont know why she was complain! I had my fun and gave her boytoy at the time Riley a little test drive...but we wont dwell on that now, yeah so as you can guess we got put back in our own bodies and i did a runner, stright to good old LA.
When i arrived i had my fun partied had a few laughs, then these lawyer guys aproched me and asked me to do a little job for them and they would clear my record if I did it...they wanted me to take out Angel. I jumped on the chance...i wanted him dead! So i set about my job...of course gettin half of the money up front...im not an idiot! I worked on what made Angel tick...Wes and Cordy...they were easy to get. I took Wes...my former Watched by the way, back to my apartment...ill just skip on how i got the place....and had my way with him, i tortured him....im not proud of that now but hey it was who i used to be, anyways, Angel came bustin in and saved the day as usual....i juat wanted him to kill me...i couldnt believe who i had become...this monster...he brought me back to his place and said i could stay there and that he would help me....but even thought i wanted help..i didnt at the same time, i tried to leave but Angel has this thing bout him that makes it all clear in only a few word, must be the age thing.
Well...you try to repent and the past will come back and bite you in the ass...i learnt that the hard way....B came to LA....lookin to kick my ass, but Angel stopped her. Also, something that i also forgot to mention was that the watchers council...they big guys that run this whole slayer thing had sent a retivel team to collect me and bring me back to England for judgement...i thought that i had lost them in Sunnydale...i was wrong!
They came to LA lookin for me...choppers the works! Well i slipped them again, thanks to B and Angel...but i knew that i couldnt keep running...so i handed myself into the cops...confessed the whole deal and i knew that i had to do my time...Angel taught me that.
So i went to jail...murder 2...25 to life. Gee, and im so young, ha, well, thats what i get for killin people. Angel would come and vist me from time to time, which made the whole thing a lot easier. There aint much to say about bein on the inside, the beds are rock hard, the food is gross and within the first few days I proved that i wasnt gonna be anyones bitch!
Well i was inside for about 3 years when Wes shows up to the jail and tells me that Angelus was back....i hadnt met the guy and I was actually lookin forward to doin so but hey, im still a Slayer...granted one in jail, but hey that can be easy fixed, so i smashed though the glass and hello sweet freedom! But, enough about that...i showed up at the hotel that Angel had made his new home...after Wes givin me a quick warm up with a few random Vamps that wer wonderin bout, since Los Angeles had fell into enternal night....devils play ground huh? Things that go bump in the night were bumpin all the time! Well anyway, i was at the hotel and met Angels newest team members and oh yeah...his son Conner...yeah strange huh?! I got the expected frosty treatment from Cordy but she just had to get over it! I was here to get Angel back...but there was a hitch, they had lost Angels soul....so i had to go out and hunt him down, but not kill him. Just search and capture...
So we went lookin for Angelus, and funny enough we found him and had a not so surprise element...when i finally met him, never got a chance to talk to him for so long cause i had to deal with the beast, he was basicly a big lump of rock that kicked my ass! Thing was though...when i thought i had been beaten Angelus killed the beast, funny huh?!
Well after that, i was kicked beat...literally...so Wes took me back to his and let me shower and clean up, after i had took my rage out on his bathroom tiles, i was ready to get back into gear!
So we went out lookin for Angelus and once again he knew that we were comin, but i had the upper hand. I had found out about this magick drug called Opherus...sounds funky huh...well it aint!! So i shot up and sure enough after me and Angelus suffled for a bit he tried to drink me, the drug went into him and sure enough it kicked in and knocked him, and me, out.
After that it gets kinda trippy, we basicly took a walkin tour of Angels life, the dude saved a puppy!! Well, i knew it, he knew it...i was slowly dyin....worth it to save Angel and get him back, also, i figured i had done my time....so I was happy to die. But, near the end, things got kinda funny...you see we could talk to Angel...i mean the Angel that we could see in the past...dont ask me i was just there to see Angelus get a soul shoved back up his ass!!
I was ready to give in, but again, Angel told me to keep fightin...and anything he tells you to do...you do!!
So to end this off...we got Angel his soul back and also stopped junior from stakin daddy...i got to kick some ass and I was happy!

My Interests

Well, im interested in:
keepin fit umm Slayin of course Goin out and havin a gud time
thats always fun...ummm...what else is there really...

I'd like to meet:

No one really....ive met everyone that i need to meet! And they are the best in the world


Well, i love most types of music but i love rock music! Always gets me in the mood if ya know what i mean haha. Some of the bands that i like are:
Pantera Metallica SOAD Marylin Manson Rob Zombie Green Day
That all i can think of for now but ill think of more soon

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Havent been to the movies in like forever! But i love:
horror flixs and comedies, old time films are alright as well.
Never dis the oldies, they are more useful that you think hehe


Dont watch a lot of TV but i do like: those informatials...thats all i really gotta watch when i was livin in that motel. Umm like some soaps as well.


Dont really read books leave that up to the English guys and Willow


My heroes have to b...well B and Angel, they have helped me so much, i owe them a lot!
Angel. You still want a vamp but someone who won't
hurt you or try n' suck your blood without
asking. Hmm... not a bad choice, he's sweet and
Buffy, buffy...which buffy guy is right for you?(wit pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla
Your Faith. You love to party, love your men and
what they can give you. Your pastime is kicking
serios Vamp butt. But this can and probably
will become a bad thing...you take it to the
extreme, but your basiclly a bad a$$.
Are you Buffy, Faith, Angel, Spike, or Drusilla from the Buffy the Vampire show?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are the reborn Faith from Buffy. You tried the
bad thing, then it didn't work. You are doing
your time. You are the sadest thing most people
have ever seen.
Which Eliza Dushku are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

My Blog


I am a Role Player and will only except other Role Players from now on...im sorry but its a lot easier on me!!
Posted by RP_Faith™ on Thu, 22 Dec 2005 04:50:00 PST