DaViD beCKHAM, bRYAN mcCABE, KeITH urBAN, BraD PiTT, jUde LaW, mAts sundiN, sidNey crOsby =) :p
*[Countryy] =) - Keith uRban, marTina McBride, Dixiee Chicks, BiiG n' Riich, aLan JacKson, Toby KeiTh, Terri cLark, Brooks n' duNN, shaNia, RaScaL fLatts*[R&b + raP] - of course =)*[80's] =) - just love everything from the 8o's !!*[aNytHiing oTHer ~ excEpT scrEAmO] =) - Goo goo doLLs, U2, PearL jaM, Aqua, Gwen StefaNii, coLdpLaYY, bLue rodEo, bLaCk eYEd pEAs, oLp, Oasiis, aLL amErican rEjEcts, tHe HiP, JoVi, K-os, KiLLers, daLLas GrEEn, MarooN 5, faLLout boy, jamEs bLunt, BSB, saVaGe gardeN, tHird eye bLind, coLLective souL, cOunting crOws, chiLi Peppers, SPiCe girLs, AvriL, bareNaked ladiies, meLissa etheridge, neLLy fURtadO, eNrique IgLesias, jaCK jOhnsOn, depeche mOdeeeee !! EtC.
-WeddiNg CraSHers -PiRates oF the CarribeaN -AustiN poWERs =) -HarrY poTTer!! 3 -biLLy Madison -BIG daddY -4o yEAr oLd ViRgiN -Saw I,II,III =o) -RemeMbeR the TiTaNs -gLadiatOr :) -Mean GirLLLLLLs =) -bLow -cLicK -mrs. dOubtfiree -batman beginss -zOOLanderr -mEET tHE parents/fOckers
i hate the OC.but i do like the nHL , friends, everybody loves ray, price is right, Trailer park bOys, rOseanne, famiLy guy, gOLden girLs, fuLL hOuse :]
*harry potter =) *
the cOACH who leads the Leafs to tHE cupp :] i