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I am here for Friends

About Me

I like reading, camping, watching funny things, drinking, meeting new people. I also enjoy the art of a true Cocksman. I love hanging out with my best girl Lynz!!Myspace Layouts
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

If you mean famous people then...I guess...Mr. T along with the rest of the cast of the A-Team, Dwight K. Shrute, Demond Wilson(Lamont from Sanford and Son) Bret Favre would be one but I already met him.....If you mean on My Space...I guess anyone who can make a good sandwich, has any unique talents. In general People who dont take things to seriously....

My Blog


HEADLINE: THE SCHRUTE and miles SHALL SET YOU FREE! Thanks for all your responses to the question that Iposed about human body parts.  There were many bodyparts that I had never heard of or ...
Posted by on Fri, 16 Dec 2005 11:13:00 GMT


Why are robots always the villains?  Why are robotsalways portrayed as shifty aggressors with ulteriormotives?  Why can't robots be taken for what they are.Artificially intelligent creatures...
Posted by on Fri, 16 Dec 2005 11:09:00 GMT

GOOD MORNING INTERNET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To you, my incredible internet, I dedicate my blog.  You, the world wide web, make all of our lives possible.  What did we do before you existed?  How did we get by? Here's what you pro...
Posted by on Fri, 16 Dec 2005 11:06:00 GMT