ricki lake profile picture

ricki lake


About Me

add &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp comment &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp message my name is stewart lord and i'm a student at bolton university who gets qualifications by clicking randomly on ciscoâ„¢ multiple question exams and hoping for the best.
my fine diet of pot noodle and university cooking has given me a bit of a pot belly so now i don't fit into my skinny clothes and look like a bit of prick. i was going to buy some new stuff, but i accidently bought a hdtv instead so you probably won't see me all over summer as i will be in my windowless room trying to get pastey and thin again.
i'm not really that nice a person, nor am i that funny. my jokes mainly consist of putting words like 'stale', 'teabag' and 'beans' in random sentences and waiting longingly for laughs from my peers.
i spend most of my time playing video games in my undies and avoiding doing the washing, though i have slight ocd when it comes to cleaning things.
i don't care if you think you're random or weird because i'm too old for that now and i'd like to think i'm normal and that doesn't interest me in the slightest so yeah whatever.
if you get in touch with me on myspace and i don't reply it's because i probably couldn't be arsed - i like to keep in contact with as small a crowd as possible.and yes, my english is regressing by the day.

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

the person who trained me at tesco. god they did a bad job.


fgc, hg boyz, jibblets, organized konfuzion




tookie williams