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I am here for Friends

About Me

well there really isnt much im a 21 year old guy that likes to do jus bout ne thing. work and go to school is bout all i do thats fun (ya i dont beleive that either) jus moved into a house in dexter wit my girlfiend saralyn and my new dog riley if u wanna no ne thing else jus ask and if ur lucky ill tell ya ;)
Myspace Layouts

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Name: Danny Johnson
Birthdate: 09-01-88
Birthplace: Des Moines
Current Location: Redfield
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5' 10'
Weight: 170
Piercings: fuck no
Tatoos: some day
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: yes
Overused Phraze: i dont give a fuck!
Food: tacos
Candy: peanut butter m&ms
Number: 5
Color: black green and blue
Animal: dog
Drink: blue monster and mountain dew
Alcohol Drink: corona and jack daniels
Bagel: blueberry
Letter: WTF
Body Part on Opposite sex: ass and vagina
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: niether
McDonalds or BurgerKing: burger king
Strawberry or Watermelon: strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: fuck that shit
Chocolate or Vanilla chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: hot chocolate
Kiss or Hug: both
Dog or Cat: dog
Rap or Punk: both
Summer or Winter: summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: both
Love or Money: both
Bedtime: way 2 late
Most Missed Memory: fuck if i no
Best phyiscal feature: dont give a fuck
First Thought Waking Up: dammit is it already morning
Goal for this year: graduate college
Best Friends: mayer bergeson and joe
Weakness: fuck if i no
Fears: drowning
Heritage: germany
Longest relationship: 3 years
Ever Drank: fuck yes
Ever Smoked: no
Pot: no
Ever been Drunk: yea
Ever been beaten up: no
Ever beaten someone up: yea
Ever Shoplifted: yea
Ever Skinny Dipped: yes
Been Dumped Lately: nope
Favorite Eye Color: blue
Favorite Hair Color: any
Short or Long: long
Height: not freakishly tall
Style: dont care
Looks or Personality: both
Hot or Cute both
Drugs and Alcohol: alcohol
Muscular or Really Skinny: skinny
Number of Regrets in the Past: lol i couldnt tell ya
What country do you want to Visit: Ireland
How do you want to Die: having sex
Been to the Mall Lately: yea
Do you like Thunderstorms: fuck yea
Get along with your Parents: yes sometimes
Health Freak: nope
Do you think your Attractive: sure
Believe in Yourself: yea
Want to go to College: yea
Do you Smoke: no
Do you Drink: fuck yea
Shower Daily: fuck yea
Been in Love: yea
Do you Sing: no
Want to get Married: yea
Do you want Children: yea
Have your future kids names planned out: 2 or 3
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: shit already happend
Hate anyone: fuck yea


My Blog

My damn survey

Name: Danny Johnson Birthdate: 09/01/88 Birthplace: Des Moines Current Location: Redfield Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Brown Height: 5' 10" Weight: 170 Piercings: no Tatoos: not yet Boyf...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 18:00:00 GMT