When this world ends I will stop in my tracks and ask myself, what have I done with my life? I have seen the lands In purity and watched the masses brought to there knees, I will not regret what I have done but what I have not done, tomorrow is too late, I live my life today. I will not bow before the public, live inside the line, I am who I am, sworn to my ideals and when this world comes to an end I am caught in the middle of the waring heaven and hell I will stand my ground this soul remains mine forever. As the earth crumbles and the sky falls time will freeze and I will come to see true beauty at this time between existance I find myself back waist deep. You want to see us fail? Not today mother fucker. This world has every odd against us. Im in between a warring heaven and hell. I will stand my ground this soul is mine forever. As the earth crumbles and the sky falls time will freeze and I will start and I will come to see true beauty at this time between existance, Many are torn apart but I will stand with my heart on my sleeve.
Name is bear , Chilling and working aint doing much else a little smoking a little drinking. shit thats really all i know anymore.
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Old Boy Ichi1 Ichi The killer Mermaid in a Manhole The Decils Experament Naruto Berserk Kenshin Ova Interview with a vampire Rob roy Troy 300 Shit like that... etc
Miami Ink ALot of movies on comcast and shit. Adult Swim Anime
Myself for being able to triupth over all this bullshti the world keeps sending me , Kastaphr the Angry SMoke demon and ERic the Drumming Death of hell , Stacie the Pasta Chef of awesomness and kitsunE the magic iron lung caPASITATER !!!!