History, books, literature, good conversation, good friends, spirituality, loving-kindness (enough bastards in the world already), wit, humor, debate.
For all geeks, a Godzilla moment!
ABBA still rules....I was born in 1970, you know? Oh gee...who's cool this week? I am a child of the 80's, and that's where a lot of my musical interests lie. I do like newer stuff as well. Being not exactly the hippest homo-sapien on the block, rap or hip-hop doesn't do much for me. I also dig classic rock, some classical music as well. Brahms should have lived in our century so he could write scores for Jerry Bruckheimer/Michael Bay movies. Did I mention that The Killers are rocking the Free World?
OK, time to get rid of most people here. The GEEKY stuff! Yes, I have seen and own all of the Lord of the Rings movies. No, I don't dress as Gandalf for big holidays, nor do my friends call me "Frodo". I also like historical movies, theological movies and ridiculous comedies. My tastes range from "The Passion of the Christ" to "Team America:World Police". No, I haven't seen "How Stella Got Her Groove back" or "Waiting to Exhale"...but I did see "The Color Purple. Yes, it took me years to like Danny Glover as a human being after that movie. Guilty pleasures include "The Bodyguard" , "Somewhere in Time", "It's a Wonderful Life" and "In the Line of Fire".
BABYLON 5!!!!! Rescue Me, Nip/Tuck, The History Channel. What did we do before cable?
Gates of Fire, Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles, Tom Clancy, Clive Cussler, Michael Newton PhD., Dr. Brian Weiss MD., Castles of Steel, Dreadnought, James P. Hogan's "The Proteus Operation", John Keegan, Arthur C. Clarke, Carl Sagan, Harry Turtledove, John Birmingham's "Axis of Time" Trilogy.
Ronald Reagan, General Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, NYFD, Maximillian Kolbe, Father Mychal Judge, General Norman Schwarzkopf, Admiral Sir John Fisher, Anwar Sadat, Moshe Dyan, Eilan Ramon, Admiral Raymond Spruance, John Roy Peluso, ********, Lord Nelson, Arthur Wellsley, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Sergei Preminin.