I am interested in my family and the things that surround it. I love that I am DeAndre's wife and I cannot wait to be the mother of his children. I am not into partying or many of the typical things that are expected from 21 year old girls - I just want to live a respectable and Christ-like life. I want to have a women's center in Haiti, helping women and their children. I want to be a mom so badly! I want to always make my husband proud to call me his wife. And I want to share the love of Jesus with others.
Jesus, My Gaurdian Angels/Sahale and Jadon, Will Smith, Tupac, and My Two New Cousins
I like music I can dance to. :)
I like any movie as long as I can watch it with DeAndre.
I am trying to wean off of TV and use that time more wisely. I will probably continue to watch Dr.Phil, Supernanny, and Jon and Kate Plus 8, but other then those shows, I am trying to avoid the rest.
THE BIBLE! Oh my goodness! The wonderful things you will read when you open this book! I open in for just a second and get lost in it for an hour! It's better than myspace! LOL! No, but really, it is truly amazing and I am so glad that I am taking time to really sit down and focus on the words that it says, and trying to live them out.A Pastor once told me that if you hate reading (which I do!) pray to hunger for God's word. When I pray this, I really do begin to hunger and thirst for His word. I find myself picking up the Bible every chance I get.
Jesus Christ is my Number One hero
Other heroes are Noah, Moses, Joseph (son of Jacob), David, Abraham, Mary, and Joseph