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KIKI says...I am 3 years old. I only like to be on my mom. I poop. I eat. I sleep in my birdy bunk. I chew my moms cloths. she does not like that. I hide in her shirt and talk gibberish. I can say "whatcha doing", "good boy", "pretty bird", "what!" "No!" I dance, I am a Chicken Hawk. I waddle. I like bath time. and I love my doggys( Aspen, Alex and Drood all Eskimos!) I hate my daddy unless he gives me peanuts.PACEY says... I'm the little thang' of the family. i popin'lock I fly free around the house. I'm very friendly to everyone, I love grapes, and whistling very loud. I think I talk but it's pretend. I try to mimic mom. and she seems to never understand me! I have to say I try to boss Kiki around, what? it's fun. just cuz I'm little don't mean I ain't tuff!Ellis says... I tweet and try to fly. I do Okay but all these birds bully me. mom says I'm the sweet one of the family. I gots a little sass to me .Tula says... I'm the talker! I say lot's of things too many to tell you now. my biggest ones are "give me kiss", "hello", "Hi, pretty baby", & "good boy". I laugh and I tell Kiki to "take a bath". I'm really the baby of family. but I'm the biggest bird. (so far)MY NEW FRIENDS & FLOCK MEMBERS PACEYEllis (joined us nov 2006) Tula (joined us Jan 2007) LOLA (joined us March 2007)