NiCoLeS HuSbAnD nIgGaS FaLL dA fUk BaQsS profile picture

NiCoLeS HuSbAnD nIgGaS FaLL dA fUk BaQsS

I am here for Friends

About Me

Yerrr WaDs GuD DiS Ya BoIi ReD TeRrOr Im commiin OuDdA BrEnTwOoD,LoNg IsLaNd Hear sum shyt u need ta No Ma government Is jerson Im 15 years Young I have a beutiful wyfe i Luv ha tu death so0o bitches fall baqsS n niggas fall baq DaSs MyNe I wad Born In wYandanch Moved Tu b-wo0d ResTiin Up in Regis Park WeRd Up I go Tu HiGhSkOoL(SoNdO) ma BloodliNe is 1oo% salvii Ima Cool Ass NiGgA Bud don start runniin ya shyt kus u start(haten)On wad i Gots Etc.(espcially ma babii wyfe) *Nicole* She myne So0o fall baqSs ThYnGsS i lyKe Tu Do:Chilliin wid ma ppls,plaii ball,plaii football,drink,go tu partys,Go tu da mall,Go tu da Movies,N juss b plain mii Juss Funnii ass Nigga a FeW shout OuTsS:Nicole Babii Omfg i luv u so0o0o Much ma Babii Wyfe I luv ya so0o0 Muc uZa Funnii ass Babii Lmfao mUaHsS MisTa N MiSs UnBrEaKabLe 11*~*18*~*05 TiLL da EnD BrEndA:Dam KuSiOn madd Crazy n funnii Tymes Shyt I luv u We da baddest Cusions Till da end U no Much luv ma Muahssss((eww)) Lmfao DaViD: Ahhhh sHyt ma Nigga LoL we madddddddddddd Stoopied U nooo How we Roll fat baqSs fo lyfe Fuk wad ya Hurd Lmfao Na nigga we niggas till da end U noo dat dude Uza Funnii ass Nigga U madd Chill nigga fuk wad ya hurd U is ma bRo u Nooooooo Bud yeah Nigga thanks Fo bein Hurr Fo mii Much LuV (No homo) BaRiS:WaD it Is ma Nigga Shytttttttttttttt Nigga Bio madd Funn Gym alsoooooooooo Dam nigga Funnii Tymes Memba DuDe FuK parkway!!!! N yeah U also Ma Bro No doubth Much LuV (No HoMo) LoLa:WaD iT is mama MaDd FuNn TyMeS u is madd sweet n i luv ya smile LoL alwaiis make Mi smaile Bud yeah Gud luck wid ya n ya mans U no I hav mi amo0r de mi vida Bud yeah Mucho0 Amo0r 4rM MiStA uNbReAkabLe Caspa:Yerrrrr ma Nigga Ghost we Killiin It dude U no it ma Mixx BoUdDa DrOpP nigga Da ReD TaRaNkULa BiTe:PuRe VeNoM PrOdUcEd bIi LT ReCoRdSs Yeah Yeah We killiin It n u so0o also Is a Bro tu miii ma Niggaaaaaaaaaaaa Much Luv (no homo) AlYsSa: Dam Yo U is madd special Ta mii i will alwaiis B hear Fo ya Much luv Alyssa memba Im hurr Fo ya MUAHsS MuCh LuV JeSsIcA:I don No ma Own sis In law dam shame Lmfao Bud yeah mama B e-z N tak Kurr oF ma Wyfe Fo iight ma Wun much Luvvv!!! N Special Shout Tu ma Babii CuSiOnS Luv ya Bof madd beutiful Babiis yeah yeah Ya"ll No jerson Has Ya baqSs Fo eva Muahs lUv ya Boff N a big Shout out Tu ma el salvador ma Country N ma famsS out Durr luv ya allllllll LuV ya Bro'sS WiLsOn N Oswar Ya"LL no we da IllEsT bRoSs N a huge shout Out Tu ma fams Much Luv ta allllllllllllllllllll DaSs all Fo now Ya wana GiT tU no mI hit mi Up On ma S/n mIsTaUnBrEaKabLe Wunnnnnnnn Ma pplS 8 bangiin N.a all daii Red n whyte Banga

My Interests

LiStEn Tu MuZiK,TaLkIn On Da FoNe WiD dA wYfE,LuVvIiN Ma WyFe,CaRiNg Fo Ha,RaPpIn,ChiiLLiIn


I lyke rap,bachata,reggaeton Yeah yeah Ma fav. rappa Is Sheek louch Oudda d blok ma fav. reggaeton singa Is JuLiO VoLtIo ma fav bachata group b aventura


I lyke action mafia comedy and horror My fav. movie goda b SCARFACE


I lyke cartoonSs name a few: blues clues,sesame street,SpOnge BoB SqUaRe PaNtS,Family guy,fewcharama,Robot chicken I lyke Bet




My heros Goda B Nicole(ma babii Wyfe) N god wurd Up Luv ya"ll Boff