Never had a taste for Simple Minded SO CALLED EMCEES, you know who you are, the ones that spit verses without WIT, without being clever. The ones that use alot of fill in cursing to sound hard, the ones who require the hook or the BEAT to sell em'. If you don't put any real thought into your rhymes, then "WHAT'S YOUR POINT?."
I grew up in the day where you HAD to be TIGHT with LYRICS or get laughed at... Now a days I notice TOO many emcees RELY on the Beat, or the Chorus to get by, rather than have their RHYME SKILLS compliment the beat A.K.A. ride the track/park on the track/ beat up the track. Seems TRUE lyricists end up Underground (Not Mainstream)
Also I always had to not only be good, but better than everyone & anyone else I face. A find myself being more a "BATTLE RAPPER", I love competition, (though there is none) Lyric for lyric verse for verse. I believe Battle rappers are like the "Jedi Knights of Hip Hop"... We're out there, and those other types of emcees don't want to get into it with us.
I enjoy conflict with rhymes, it's like sparring. I'm a Shark with ALL my teeth. Razor sharp and always in the mood to EAT. Please don't get it twisted, I don't ONLY battle, I write Heart Felt rhymes, Club type rhymes, even Rhymes for Techno type joints. I tell stories in those other types of rhymes I do, from life experiences mostly.
I LOVE Hip Hop, since I was 13 years old. I would be doing this whether or not I got paid for it. I write rhymes everyday regardless if ANYONE ever hears them. I too have too much to write I could never finish, there's never enough time. I'm open to ALL types of music literally from Death Metal to Country to Classical, but Hip Hop is where my heart is.
Competition brings the BEST out of me, I've been compared to many, but there's only one... One Part of... The Dose!
Quoting Kool Moe Dee,
I'll give you the pound cause you're still my man, but if you put both of us in front of a mic stand, homeboy it's a new game plan