Sensory Stuff... Food, Painting, Photography, Movies, Video, Books, Music, Blowjobs, Sculpture, the City, Nature, Cigarettes, Duality, Drugs (on occasion), Alcohol (for every occasion), the Ocean, Conversation, Conservation, Similarities, Differences, Semantics, Trash, Introspection, Mobiles, Mental Illness, Simplicity, Oddities, Anamolies, and Diet Dr. Pepper.
Anybody who can tell me something
There's alot
Are a passion of mine
Six Feet Under...R.I.P
Including, but not limited to...David Sedaris, Dorothy Parker, JT LeRoy, Sylvia Plath, J.D. Salinger, Albert Camus, Ernest Hemingway, Chuck Palahniuk, George Steinbeck, Evelyn Waugh, JD Sallinger, Augusten Burrows, Jean-Paul Sartre, David Rakoff, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Martin Amis, Christopher Marlowe, Sylvia Plath, Shel Silverstein, Dr. Suess, Alexander Pope, Anne Rice
My Mom.