www.lickclub.com, DJing, new world order..lol politics, human rights, chakras, hidden messages in water, The Anunnaki (the Nefilim), the 4th dimension and over coming the 3rd dimension (physical world), light, love, philosophy, existentialism although the lable should not be placed on such theories. Art, culture, comparative religion, science, quantum physics(a bit) just basic theories. People who think to much....
The people who dream. The philosophers, the lovers, the vissionaries. The honest people. the sincere, the open minded, The brave people. The courageous, the powerfull, the tender. And everything in between.
Hiphop, UK Grime, dancehall, dirtysouth, booty bass, reggea, D-+B, Breaks, some house.. electro, phunk, some rock..
Anything with Angelina Jolie, the corporation, Farenheight 9/11, Super size me
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Celestine Profecy by James Redfield, Children Of The Matrix by David Icke, those are my most recent.