Shoe-Seph profile picture


blocc tested...hood approved

About Me

i am me. i keepz it real 99% of the time. why 99%? bkuz nobodyz perfect. i'd say i'm a gud mixture of "good & bad". i do wat i do and i do it well. i have many insecurities, but i deal w/ them myself. i'd rather not bring my drama into somebody else's life bkuz i'm sure they got they own s**t to deal with. very indecisive but usually end up makin the right decision. i'm usually the listener, but am seldom heard. i am a "lost soul". i hope i find my way soon. i need to take the "narrow path". dont let the picture in yor head fool yah. i can flip the script get gangsta w/ da quiccness. i jes dont like to brang'em out. knowatimsayin? i either hate it or love it. no in between. only blacc or gray areaz. keep it real w/ me and we'll have no prolemz. start frontin on me and...itz a wrap. trust. so yeah. you can take it or leave it. i really dont give a damn...
...:::our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.your playing small does not serve the world; there is nothing enlightened about shrinking, so that other people wont feel insecure around you.we were all meant to shine, as children is not just in some of us, it is in everyone.and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others:::...

My Interests

God, playin bball (yoo reach i teach), H-I-P-H-O-P, collecting kiccs, slave to fashion, fresh muzik,gud conversation, chillin wid da homiez, making your body rocc, freakin beats, Life,and lets face it...makin that paper...

I'd like to meet:

people that have answers to questions...

lowendz626 (aim)
eramientos_3 (ym)
243B38DF (bbm)


les jes say..."hip-hop you the love of my life"-tha roots


friday(z),matrix(1-3),bad boyz(1n2),boyz n da hood, dont be a menace,love n bball,above da rim, harold n kumar, poetic justice, city of God, ray, the boondock saints, coach carter, luv me if you dare,menace ii society, breakin i & ii, juice, snatch, italian job, la vida bella, remember the titans, barbershop,redemption, point break, kung fu hustle, etc... z?


even tho itz canceled, Wayans Bros.,will n grace, friends, fresh prince,channel 13 stuff, las vegas, ANTM and some others i cant think of...




JESUS CHRIST...wat can i say...HE saved my life