Karin profile picture


Backpacking season in 4 months... it's a countdown.

About Me

I've never had a 9 to 5 job. I still love breakfast and I think that the people who don't love it are weird. I like taking conversations to the next level.What up... PimpedMySpaceI edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

John Muir, you're mine.

I'd like to meet:

Our effing president.


Here come the world With the look in its eye Future uncertain but certainly slight Look at the faces Listen to the bells It's hard to believe we need a place called hell


The Princess Bride, Cool Hand Luke, Underworld, Bull Durham, Serenity, Mean Girls, Easy Rider, The Fifth Element, Super Troopers, Hero, The Graduate...

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !


Rots your brain and fucks with self-esteem.


East of Eden, The Alchemist, Oh The Places You'll Go.