Is nice;How much? profile picture

Is nice;How much?

I am here for Friends

About Me

About me:

I am Ashleigh
I live for friends, family, love, laughter, happiness, peace and rock!
She is 17
I enjoy being a jackass :/
...and making people laugh =]
I am very random
Yes i have walked into a lamp post...
&&&& got my finger stuck in a tic tac box...
I may have stapled my finger by accident ... but hey
I love taking photos... & Drawing stuff...LOVE it!
Ever since i was a wee sprite :]..
I daydream too much :]
And i'm distracted easily
I love people who are themselves :]
&&&& I have the bestest boyfriend!
A smile goes a long way :D
Remember...Softly Softly Catchy Monkey
...Oki pok well... Asia and Pirates!! interests me very muchly! speshly pirates.. dno why just been fascinated by 'em since i was tiny :]...I ♥ meeting new people and i will never judge anyone for who they are... i might draw the line if they are a chainsaw rapist maniac but still they might be sweet on the inside and simply confused...??huh?? Erm I am rather VERY random and sometimes people think im weird and don't rele understand me but meh idc haha!
I love people who are themselves n stuff and hate it when people copy everyone else gah! just be yourself, be unique and you can't go wrong rele... i love friendly people and people who hug n kiss hehe yay i ♥ the huggings! Ooh yum :]...mmm forbidden donut _$ anyhoo... i am interested in anything with skulls plastered all over it and i kinda like messy things...[in a neat way]
I love the age im at right now it's like the best! I think im rather a happy person :] i try n turn most things into laughter... can be annoying but it does make people happier.. i'm optimistic about things most of the time :]... I am known as the idiot..joker..fool..random assed maniac out of my lil mayteys! :]
I live for the drunken nights me n my mates won't remember... my best friends, my mr.Brightside boyfriend [who does the cutest wiggle] and also the non - stop laughter i suffer from every day! with my mates!
I am interested in anyone who wants to talk :]...add me if ya want i wont bite but then agen i have no teeth so....:/ that sucks..literally :] anyhoo love to you all n stuff! u big hairy fairies!
Who I'd Like To Meet...
♥ Someone out there is meant to be the love of your life... your best friend, your soulmate, the one you can tell all your dreams to. He'll smile at you when you tell him, but never laugh at your heart... He'll brush the hair out of your eyes and send you flowers when you least expect it. He'll call you to tell you goodnight before you get into bed - or just because hes thinking about you... he'll be bursting to talk to you each morning just to hear the sound of your voice and he will give you butterflies simply when you think about him...&&&& will look into your eyes and tell you that you're the most beautiful girl he's ever seen... and for the first time in your life you'll believe it! ♥

Hello Beautiful

My Interests

Rawr! Hello Beautiful

Whore Me
Ashman Fairyâ„¢

*_*Piracy Is Not A Crime*_*â„¢

Like... click the pic to ADD+
This Biatch is blatez Awesome! Oh Yeah :]
You should add Her

You so wanna :]*_*

When you try your best , but you don't succeed When you get what you want but not what you need When you feel so tired but you can't sleep Stuck in reverse ...
And the tears come streaming down your face When you lose something you can't replace When you love someone but it goes to waste Could it be worse ?
Lights will guide you home , And ignite your bones, And I will try to fix you!...

I'd like to meet:


Especially... Bullet For My Valentine

This guy from [call me when you're sober] who happens to be one of the sexiest things living!!!! *@#! me he's gorgeous :P

Justin Lee Collins
I'd love to go to the Friday Night Project!

** Also a few people off of here coz theyr tha best!!!! :P :D **




I love all kinds of films rele... speshly romcoms, horrors n comedies :P
Pirates of the Caribbean 123
A Cinderella Story
The Perfect Man
House of Wax
Silent Hill
Entire series of F.R.I.E.N.D.S.
Harry Potter lool
John Tucker Must Die?!
A Nightmare B4 Christmas!
The Matrix
The Notebook
She's The Man

Basically i


Desperate Housewives
Footballers Wives
The Office
Sweet Sixteen
The Simpsons!
X Factor
Malcolm In The Middle
Hope & Faith!
The Friday Night Project!
8 Simple Rules!

I love pranks and stuff so.. Trigger Happy TV or Jackass... Punk'd...Ali G wind ups in America lol :P they rock grr :P

