Travelling, exploring cities, photography, biking (fixed, mountain, road), running, snowboarding, peak bagging, hiking & camping with dogs, wildlife medicine, drawing, lowbrow art, self-portraiture, being a hipster scout.
Interesting people who entertain me while setting the world on its ear & grabbing it by the... er, nose. Also see "heroes." No metrosexuals need apply. Any boy who spends more time in the bathroom than a sorority girl, shaves more body surface than a hirsute swimmer, & spends on a pair of pointy shoes the equivalent of the Burundi GNP needs to be forced to come up to the vet school to spend a few days with his right arm up the arse of a cow.
I am partial to independent hip hop, old pop punk, screamo in small doses, quirky singer-songwriters, old country, alt country, the occasional small dose of indie hipster music, & good old rock & fucking roll (which includes anything that doesn't involve whining & sniveling in the typical indie/hipster fashion).
Amelie, Donnie Darko, Office Space, Harold & Maude, Goonies, Ma Vie en Rose, Whale Rider, Rabbit Proof Fence, Cool Hand Luke, Singin in the Rain, Kikujiro, Pumpkin, But I'm a Cheerleader, Matrix, Ghostworld, Fight Club, Lock Stock, Snatch, My Neighbor Totoro, Kiki's Delivery Service, Dead Alive, Indiana JonesX3, Star Wars IV-VI, Kid's Return, American Beauty, xXx, Hedwig, The Edukators, 2046.
I don't have a TV. I sold it to fund my pet hoarding habit. Had I a TV, I would likely watch only the most trashy shows, which is why it's best that I don't own a TV.
Er, here are the one's I can think of off the top of my head: Fountainhead, Master & Margarita, Moomin books!, Native Son, Invitation to a Beheading, God of Small Things, Catch 22, Grapes of Wrath, Asher Lev, Kavalier & Clay, The Immortal Class: Bike Messengers & the Cult of Human Power, One River, Power of One, Transmetropolitan, Preacher, Palestine, Safe Area Gorazde, Jimmy Corrigan, books/short stories by Roald Dahl, Chabon, Proulx, Carver, TC Boyle, Roddy Doyle, Toms Wolfe & Robbins, Galeano, Bunin, Dantikat
Mark Rothko, Rembrandt, Vermeer, Basquiat (er, other than the drugs), Egon Schiele (er, other than the most creepy extremes of his madness), Sally Mann, Motherwell, Degas, Weegee, Edward Weston, Cindy Sherman, van Gogh, Steve Jobs, Linus Torvalds, Jane Goodall, Diane Fossey, Marie Curie, Sir Edmund Hillary, Tenzing Norgay, Shackleton, John Muir, etc. The trend appears to include people who are crazy enough to disregard their peers while getting things DONE.