Espresso ²win profile picture

Espresso ²win

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I like everything. I have too many interests to list, they include welding photography, computers, exploding projectiles, and art.

We're an interesting crew. We Dive into our element of fictional stories, and we're not ashamed to play in the relaxation room, which was just a classroom.

Driving down the mountain
For mor info, go to

Generally, I'm a crazy guy. I've stopped caring so much about what people think of me, and I let my imagination run wild, If you catch me on a good day, (Rare to find me in daylight) in my natural habitat, I'd be feeding on electronics or tending to my servers. , While hooting 1337 speak to rally my fellow geeks. ..A great quote from a night of rambling. "I will telepathically rape you until your colon bleeds, Do you feel the heat of unlubricated friction in the seat of your pants? Yeah, that's me baby... My smart mass conquers all."

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone with a brain. Id like to meet someone who isn't afraid of letting go of the proximital world, and go beyond into a world of thought. A personality is far more sexy than boobs to me.

If you'd like to chat, I'm usually online.
AIM - Anti aim DJ

Swords are cool.
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but my sword will chop your head off."

My Blog

October's octane.

Get up and go, No show? To the edge of calamity, bring back a heart attack. Remembering that October is not a fact. Sleepy time summer time, wait till next year for sublime. Are you done? No? Like Dea...
Posted by on Sun, 04 Oct 2009 23:45:00 GMT

I mean, stop the EGGS!

Abusive relationship overload, forwarding death from that eternal exchange server in the sky. Raining your messages of death, replying only with hate against the mass of inquiries. Slam a priority one...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Sep 2009 18:06:00 GMT

Rebirth on the pavement

I miss the roads, the rubber tween my legs and the leather on my back. There's something about feeling the bumps and the sways that make my lateral forces glee and joy. I'm curious about the working...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Jul 2009 15:00:00 GMT

Still dying laughing,

I want to make this short,  no matter how bad life can get, no matter how stressed out one can get, in the end we're just weighing souls with sand, and we all die laughing. that's what I'm doing, I'm ...
Posted by on Thu, 25 Jun 2009 00:41:00 GMT

Chinese pink silk

Not sure of exactly what I'm supposed to do in this situation, no one's left. I'm hiding in this tower of books and servers. Protecting what's left as the last bastion of hope for this humankind. Is t...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Jun 2009 01:20:00 GMT

bitter housewarming.

Let's play this in reverse, from the moment that I laid my head down to sleep.  Im pretty tired, but I knew that I had to go to bed. I know that there was more too be done after I had just spent my ni...
Posted by on Sun, 31 May 2009 16:38:00 GMT

Alex didn't make me do it

Once again, I'm rushing to work. Normal 80+ down the freeway, but i'm trying to be good today, We don't want another incident as last week. Im thinking "man, If I just keep this momentum, I won't be l...
Posted by on Sun, 17 May 2009 09:09:00 GMT

Alex made me do it.

I'm rushing to work, it's early sunday morning, I've been doing nearly 75-80 the entire way to work, and i'm actually on time. Fremont exit, right lane exit only. This exit is mild right turn followed...
Posted by on Sun, 10 May 2009 08:09:00 GMT

burning bacon on the stove

It's story time,Worries over my salvation uncertain fears over success, clouds looming over the pinch that keeping the squeeze in check. Frying eggs in a soft summer sun, sluggishly alluring over nake...
Posted by on Fri, 01 May 2009 11:17:00 GMT


I've got great news to report, things are looking up, the economy is down, and the sun is shining brighter, I'm in debt, but the bills never come. I strike down the eventual downturn ant the nay for s...
Posted by on Sun, 19 Apr 2009 16:30:00 GMT