Godfrey the Confused profile picture

Godfrey the Confused


About Me

Abandon All Preconceived Notions of Bagpipes, Ye Who Enter Here.
I am the one, the only, the confused, The Godfrey! Mysterious member of unknown (and often confused) lineage of the International Minstrels' Troupe known as...
Oh, if our benevolent leader Micha only knew that I was stealing the Wolgemut Myspace page's bandwidth for that image...
Who am I, for those of you who are fascinated by this fellow who pops up (with bagpipes), makes some rude noises (also involving bagpipes), makes some rather odd gestures (also, you guessed it, involving bagpipes), and spouts a few words of what may be described as "wisdom" (not bagpipes, but equally absurd) at whomever might be listening?
Simple, I am Godfrey, the man who dresses loudly, plays loudly, and writes needlessly long questions in his Myspace bio.
What is it like to be Godfrey, you ask?
I'm glad you asked. It involves a lot of obsessing over things, and not just bagpipes (but that tends to help). For example; sidebars (in the form of parenthetic phrases), fiddles (which don't fit well into parentheses, and I've tried), flutes, paint, pigment, dirt (the latter three are often interchangeable provided that you enjoy painting with BROWN), and Rococo Pink.
If you're not entirely sure about the latter one, think about any 17th century painting you've seen involving large pink women. There's more than you'd think.I am an artist, a painter, and have succeeded in getting into graduate school thanks to the unwavering support of the love of my life, Jennifer.
I am an amateur historian.
I am living in "The OC" with the love of my life, soulmate, and wife (well, she will be on February 23rd, 2008) Jennifer.
Aside from being a part of Wolgemut, I am also a part of several other organic groups which come together for various occasions: Gratia Placenti, Baba Ku, Fides Secundus, and apparently a band called "Fern and Friends", at least that's what it said on the schedule. I consider the members of every group I play in to be dear friends.
As if I haven't gone on for long enough, any of the paintings you see are my own work. If interested in the procurement of one of the pieces, or you're simply interested in what the hell is wrong with me that I paint in that manner, please contact me! I love to share my crazy with the world.
Little known facts about me:
I'm Catholic, holy moly
I'm attempting to learn how to say "I farted" in as many languages as possible
Any dance moves I learned, I learned from hair bands in the 1980s
I have a debilitating fear of ghosts and heights, despite not believing in ghosts or heights
I also apparently don't believe in logic
Or anything that doesn't taste better when wrapped with bacon
Or heart attacks

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Disclaimer: The following contains something to offend just about anybody. If you can think of a particular group (ie Caucasian Skinhead Necrophiliacs) then please let me know and provide a suggestion. Actually, I think I'll add something to offend the White Supremacist Necrophiliac crowd. Anyhow, there are only two things proven by the below commentary.
A. I'm obnoxious
B. I talk out my butt quite a bit
C. I like it when my cat grooms my eyebrows
D. I go off-topic quite a bit
E. I can't count

Anyhow... I'd like to meet:

Interesting people.

Okay, that's the wrong thing to say, because you probably think you're interesting. I fancy that I'm interesting, but I sure as hell wouldn't expect EVERYONE to find me as absolutely fascinating as I find me to be. How about I just list the type of people I don't find interesting?

-People who think The Da Vinci Code was nonfiction.
-People who thought think that Constantine was just a movie with Keanu Reeves.
-People who think Aerosmith is the greatest band ever. And I like Aerosmith.
-People who put Aerosmith on par with The Beatles.
-Emo kids. Brush your fucking hair, and pick a fucking hair color. The only reason you should have that much metal on your person is if you're going into battle.
-People who make a pathetic attempt to dance a "jig" when I'm playing an Italian song on a medieval fiddle.
-People who ask "Are those regular bagpipes?" when I'm playing a Cantiga or Estampie on a Hummelchen Dudelsack or Nederlans Doedelzak.
-The Dutch. Let's be honest here, does anyone actually like the Dutch?
-Drunk middle-aged Dutch women who've been out in the sun so much that they look like aligator bags.
-Drunk middle-aged luggage-looking Dutch women who make bold attempts to get in the sack with me.
-Pretty much everyone under the age of 18.
-Most people under the age of 24.
-Everyone that thinks Thomas Kincade's prints are "Fine art".
-Most landscape painters (I make exceptions to this one, one of the best fine artists I know is a landscape painter).
-99% of CalArts students.
-99% of Born Again Christians
-Ceremonial Magicians. Knock off the bogus Victorian English accent, take off your cape, and stop bragging about how "powerful" you are.
-Dianic Wiccans. Shave your pits, then get back in the kitchen and be barefoot and pregnant.
-Pseudo-Bohemian-Gypsy-Hippy "liberated" women. Shave your pits, then get back in the kitchen and be barefoot and pregnant. I don't care if you don't like bagpipes, we're being payed to play on that stage (admittedly, being paid in beer, but that still counts).
-The Dutch. (Because they deserve a second mention)
-Nouveaux Republicans. Constitutionalist Republicans are welcome.
-Insanely left-wing Democrats.
-MEChA, all their supporters, and all of their members.
-People who buy "Art" at the mall.
-Most Valencia residents
-Gwen Stefani fans. I'll make an exception for Shannon.
-Graphic Designers.
-People who entitle a set of paintings "The Four Apostles". Even after I've corrected them.
-People who think a lawn ornament on astroturf is a bold statement about society and environmentalism.
-Drug addicts
-Vegan and Vegetarian Evangelists. I don't care how good you think soy products are. Soy cheese is not cheese. Soy chicken is not chicken. Soy sausage isn't bloody sausage because there's no animals in it.
-Psychotic anti-drug/smoking people. Don't sit down near a smoker outdoors, then start complaining. It's different if you're sitting there, then a smoker comes up, sits 2 feet away from you, and lights up.
-The Dutch.
-People that wear modern belly-dancer costumes at faire
-People who say they drum when obviously they can't. Put down the fucking djembe. In the hands of someone who knows what they're doing, the djembe sounds quite nice. In the hands of 99% of people who say that they play them, they don't. Hell, I can play a good 6/8 for an English country dance on a side drum, but I don't tell everyone that I'm a drummer.
-People who dance a "jig" to a tune in 9/8. In Hijaz. Does it really sound Irish? Does it really sound like something played in a hilly, damp, grassy little country in the Atlantic? I may have already mentioned this, honestly, but it bears mentioning twice.
-Furries. Seriously. Doubleyou-Tee-Eff Mate? I don't get it. Sure, I dress in funny getups, but I don't get all hot and bothered over it.
-20-30 year old men who play guitars for the sole purpose of impressing teeny-bopper girls.
-The Dutch
-People who pride themselves on having the most "friends" on Myspace. That means people who simply scour Myspace, sending "friend" invites to everyone and everything. Do I know you? No? Then I'm not your fucking friend.
-Shitty bands that put up Myspace pages, then send "friend" invites to EVERYONE, feeling that if everyone would just give them a chance, they'd really get their musical careers going! Chances are your band is bloody awful, and I won't like your music. Examine my musical interests. Do you think I'm going to enjoy listening to your shitty Emo crap? No? Then buzz off.
-People that plaster their Myspace pages with those sparkly animated gifs. OMG SPARKLIES!!! I LUV SPARKLIES!!!!! This is even more depressing if you're over the age of 14, and have your page covered with them.
-People pretending to be something they're not. Tried it, for quite a while, and I'm over it.
-People who steal my food out of the office fridge. I hate you. You fucking pig.
-People who are too lazy to actually walk, choosing instead to OOZE and SHUFFLE their way around, each step scraping on the bloody carpet. PICK UP YOUR FEET.
-People who say "No, I can't have one of those cookies, I'm diabetic (type II, at age 20. A type usually reserved for older people with weight problems)" and then get TWO Big Macs, Supersized French Fries, and a Supersized Coke from McDonald's, EVERY DAY.
-People that use "their" when they should be using "they're", and vice-versa. The same goes for "Its" and "It's".

Oh, and I'm part Dutch :D


Dufay Collective, Ensemble Unicorn, Beck, Radiohead, Jordi Savall, Wolgemut (see, I even listen to the music of the band I'm in), Cercamon (they're awesome, for French-Canadians)

J'ai pete'!


For the sole purpose of giving you all a headache:


Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels are at the top.


Banksy, because I hope to sneak my shit into museums.

My Blog


Yes. There's something particularly insidious about ants. ANTS. If we take the Creationist story literally, then God was an asshole and must've created ants afterward as a way of being a jerk to the n...
Posted by Godfrey the Confused on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 03:28:00 PST

On the topic of Hand-Of-God icons

There's a number of icons that, according to either doctrine, local belief, or various religious writings, have come into being without having any human hands involved. They're typically called "Mirac...
Posted by Godfrey the Confused on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 02:00:00 PST

Needing Research Help

Yes, I am! So I'm turning to you, my intrepid (few) regular readers. I'm looking for a transcript of an interview.This interview was conducted by Bill Moyers on PBS, with Wendy Beckett. October 6th, 1...
Posted by Godfrey the Confused on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 10:50:00 PST

A Day At Sea World

Jen's parents treated us to a day at Sea World San Diego today... I'm exhausted, and had a blast! There was only one show we didn't see, and one attraction we didn't see. The show we missed was the Pe...
Posted by Godfrey the Confused on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 09:49:00 PST

Grand Old Party

Gleaned from http://www.somethingblack.com/Repub1.htmThe GOP, the Party of Morals: Republican County Constable Larry Dale Floyd was arrested on suspicion of soliciting sex with an 8-year old girl. Flo...
Posted by Godfrey the Confused on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 02:40:00 PST

Studio and Other Things

Other things first:Emma (my brown stripey girl cat with random bits of orange on her) is hyper as hell. I typically don't witness this, but she's in "OMGWTFIWANNAPLAY" mode. She's attacking toys she d...
Posted by Godfrey the Confused on Sat, 30 Aug 2008 01:17:00 PST

Dance Dance Revolution Meets Streetfighter

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9Kic31qE60 Someone posted a link to this in a Fark.com thread. It made me think of what would happen if the gangs from West Side Story were to encounter a rea...
Posted by Godfrey the Confused on Fri, 29 Aug 2008 01:03:00 PST


When I was at Pennsic, there were a few things I wanted to make sure I bought. Being that Pennsic is THE BEST event/place to buy anything that would've existed prior to the 16th century (give or take ...
Posted by Godfrey the Confused on Sat, 23 Aug 2008 11:40:00 PST

I’m home!

After weeks of performing for some of the most wonderful audiences I could ask for, I've returned home to California.Oh, dry your eyes, my friends! It's not over!Bruno is now Head Honcho Bagpiper Guy ...
Posted by Godfrey the Confused on Tue, 19 Aug 2008 11:38:00 PST

Godfrey goes to Washington DC

For the first time in my life, no less! As a Californian, DC is some place that I've always wanted to go to see my federal tax dollars at play, but I've never gotten around to it. Being that we're all...
Posted by Godfrey the Confused on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 08:48:00 PST