Design on all levels, fine art and illustration, fashion, creative and cost-efficient interior design, learning and doing home renovations yourself, computers, history, science, pop culture, Autumn weather, a lot of things interest me, too many to list...lets just say I'm a little kid in a candy shop and this world is my candy shop.
•Hopless Romantics
•Creative Freaks
•People who have Passion for anything
•Multifaceted Lovelies
•People who can teach me things
•The Humorous
•Honest People
•All talk = All Action
•All talk = No Action
•Materialistic Geeks
•People who send mixed messages
•The Fair weathered
•People who are not honest with me or themselves, dont bother being my friend
•People who are in denial and then resort to being hypocritical
•People who dont know how to express themselves and act like part of the 'herd'
•OH YEAH, People who say they dont watch TV {oh like they're soooo frekin' above IT, thinkin' its some great feat they're doing for themselves or mankind, get over yourselves}
•People who have soooo much dumb crap on their myspace page it makes your computer freeze up, BASTARDS, no one cares that you have to prove you have a life, or like that video, loser!
My rock side loves late 60's, 70's, 80's, and early 90's rock, etc, just good old rock music. I have a thang for the late 70's-early 80's cheese rock too. My groover side loves 1970's-1990's R&B, LOTS o' Disco, 1940s-1960s cocktail lounge, Bossa Nova, etc...
40 year old Virgin, Office Space, Napoleon Dynamite, Dumb and Dumber...these 4 can sustain me FOREVER. I'ma movie whore, if its on I'll watch it, even the dumbest movies make me laugh...EXCEPT the movie "Be Cool", had to be the STUPIDEST movie of all time.
Home & Garden network, Animal Planet, Food Network, VH1 Classic, Discovery, Travel channel, National Geographic Channel, History Channel
Don't have time to read, too busy rotting my brain watching the tube Hee-Hee! Hey, just being honest. I bet half the fools out there that name books don't even read 'em or read them in 7th grade, they're just trying to look cool, like, 'Hi I can read!!!' Pseudo intellectual crap. Keep it real dumbasses!!!
:: My parents :: My Grandma :: Kristofer who is my knight on a white horse, or well, errr, in a white car :: Little ol' Couples who have been married for 50yrs :: My kitties, when they don't stink or piss me off :: Myself ::