MySpace Layouts
Myspace Layouts
Anything in life can happen, so keep on your toes. Always be ready to make the best out of a bad situation and smile. Life without smiles and life without love is a life without happiness.
I am a hopeless romantic. I love, love and I love life. If I love you, I will love you unconditionally and forever. I never hate people, its a waste of time.
I'm a strong individual. I'm stubborn and opinionated. I'm a logical thinker, so if you want to win an argument with me, don't repeat your side over and over, use logic. Break it down and explain it. I'll listen.
I love talking. I'm a big talker. I have multitudes of feelings and I talk them out. If I don't I'll never fully understand myself. I have my best friends who are willing to listen and talk with me. These people I love and owe big time. They hear it all. If I get talking, and your not willing to listen, than say so. I'll just go elsewhere.
Never ever talk over me. Either wait til I'm finished speaking or make sure you speak first. Don't get defensive about things I say. If I have a problem with you I'll tell you.
I don't take crap from anyone. I don't care how special you are to me. I am who I am. Take it or leave it. I won't let anyone bring me down, or make me feel like less of a person.
If I'm emotional, don't call me a typical female. There will be a reason behind it. Don't belittle my feelings. To you, they might be silly, but to me they arn't, if they were silly to me I wouldn't be feeling them.
Lastly. I love to laugh. I will act silly at every opportunity. I try not to take myself seriously always. Nows the time to live, laugh and love. layout powered by HOT / MyHotComments