and one day. im going to change the world
You'll see my name in city lights.
im the most kickassiest Chilean American
Im a hopeless romantic
suffering from hoplessness
im not very normal
i stick out
but i dont like to cause much attention
im kinda loud and i do things to be different
because conformity is
so what?
..i dance..
i sing...terribly
i make music...amazingly
its the only thing im good at
cept for picking the best friends
Im really quite awesome.
I occaisionally act my age
Not good at telling people how i feel
Im really good at designing shirts
Yeah, im chuck full of flaws
Im not perfect.
Im a bohemian transcendentalist in the flesh
I belive in individuality.
I've devoted my life to the Church of Hot Addiction
Im going to be famous one day
I dont know how, but its going to be great.
I want to stay close to a big city
I want to have a name.
I want to leave my impression on the world!
At the end of the day I just want to be remembered
I want to be loved
when the sun goes down into the ground
I want to be there to watch it with someone
I want someone to make me feel alive
Right now i love my life. If you're in it. Thanks.
so, if you REALLY wanna know me... Click Here.